Can I offer a free trial for My Membership Site? | Member

Sep 16, 2022

Can I offer a Free Trial for My Membership Site?

The trial for membership websites is an approach to marketing employed by numerous other companies before you. And yes, you should certainly consider free trials as a part of your advertising campaign. They could yield a profit for you. But, it is essential, obviously that you do it in a proper manner.

Trial offer has proven to be successful for countless subscription-based companies, both offline and online.

Amazon, Netflix, Spotify, Hulu, YouTube Premium, Audible, PlayStation, and LinkedIn Premium, are some of the most well-known subscription-based businesses that offer a free trial for their service.

This is the deal: Free trial offers are not for everyone. Like all other strategies for marketing It's not foolproof. It comes with its own pros and cons.

To help you decide whether or not providing trials is the best option for your website, here are some of the things we'll talk about in this post:

Do trials for membership Websites a good idea?

trial for membership site

Yes. In the case of many membership websites trials can be a great strategy to use. This has been established before.

It's a highly efficient and highly profitable strategy for your subscription-based service or website to create new revenue. Additionally, it lowers your customer cost of acquisition.

However, is it the best option for you?

The answer to that depends entirely on your preferences, budget, and marketing strategies.

A trial period lets the potential clients what you have to offer instead of TELLING them.

Instead of investing hundreds of thousands of dollars on marketing, you could instead offer them a live demonstration or a demo of your service.

Put yourself in your customers' shoes. Are you willing to buy something because the salesperson claims it's amazing? Do you want to see it for yourself first?

Would you buy a car without a test drive? or clothes that aren't fitted?

It's the same thing with subscription-based companies. Your clients will see your product or service as an investment.

That is why almost every single one of them is likely to want to experience this for themselves.

Nearly every owner of a membership website is convinced that providing the opportunity to try out a trial period can generate more leads, and also converts more sales more quickly and at a more rapid rates. And it increases customer satisfaction.

However, not every trial offer is the identical. Let's look at each type of trial offer and the ways they differ from one another.

The Different Types of Trials for Membership Sites

Here are a few examples of the trial offers you could test:

  • A limited-time trial offer
  • Limited access trial Offer
  • Trial-free Offer
  • Trial-rate discount offer
  • Trial offer based on service.

The great thing is that you don't have choose just one of the options. It is possible to try a mix of two or more.

           Limited-Time Trial Deal          

In this kind of offer for trial it is possible to offer your potential customers free access to all the content on your website for a limited time.

You can offer a one-week time period, two weeks, or an opportunity to trial for 30 days so they can try your product or services for no cost.

In addition to that there is the option of offering a limited-time trial offer at the discounted price. Or, you can give them free services during the trial period when they agree to purchasing an annual membership.

           Access Trial Offer Limited Access Trial Deal          

Similar to the limited-time trial, you are able to avail limited access with other offers.

As an example, if you're offering an online class it is possible to allow users to try out the lessons for a specific amount of time.

Or, if you're offering an opportunity for a test of the product or service you offer or product, you may give them access to only some of the basic functions.

Pro tip: you can use CourseCure to create an easy-to-create fully-customizable online course.

           Free Trial Coupon          

free trial for membership sites

It is among the most frequent trials offer you will see in the present. They often use it in conjunction with limited-time or limited-access offers.

As the name suggests the trial is free... free.

           Discounted Rate Trial Offer          

discounted rate trial for membership site

Your trial offer doesn't always require it to be completely free. You could also make it available at a discounted rate.

           Service-Based Trial Deal          

free service trial for membership site

Additionally, there are service-based trial offers where you allow your customers to access to your product on a free basis or at a discount for a limited period of time.

Naturally, you'd want them to sign up for your membership site after the trial period, so make sure that the service that you offer is appealing enough that they stay interested.

Make sure you overdeliver once they do register.

The pros and cons of Trials for Membership Sites

As with all types of marketing, trial for membership websites have positives and negatives. We'll look at a few of the advantages.

           Pros of Tests for Membership Sites          

           Save $$$ on customer Acquisition          

customer cost per acquisition

If someone opts for a trial period, their feet are already half-way through the gate. It's the responsibility of you to make sure you will deliver on what you said to them all the way in.

Most often you could allow your service or product to sell itself during the period of trial.

It's a good thing that once they're in the trial stage, it will save you hundreds of dollars as it's not necessary to do any additional marketing. Of course, that is the case if your product is enticing enough to make your customers want to become full members.

           Better Customer Satisfaction          

customer satisfaction

Few people who take advantage of a no-cost trial will be devastated after the conversion due to knowing exactly the kind of experience they should expect based on their trial experience.

This level of transparency helps you give your customers more transparency and prevents them from having unreasonable expectations. It also results in fewer complaints and cancellations.

           Eliminates the Belief in Engagement          

letting go of fear of commitment

Memberships are a commitment. In the majority of cases, customers can feel a fear of binding themselves to a monthly or yearly fee.

With a no-cost or low-cost trial that allows your audience to discover what they're missing out on and ease their fear of making a decision by demonstrating what they're missing out on.

           Get Feedback          

gathering reviews

Trials for membership sites can also be a great way to collect opinions about your services as well as your products.

This is the ideal chance to get market input and invaluable insights, so you are able to make smarter and more educated business choices.

           Highly Valuable Leads for Your Email List          

building email lists

A further benefit is that you'll get more valuable leads. These people have taken the time to look at your product and test it to see for themselves.

It means they have already met you and they will most likely feel more inclined to become a member after the trial, or later in the future.

           Pros and Cons of Trials for membership sites          

Even though the risk is minimal for offering trials but there are certain risks that are worth considering.

           Risk of losing Time money, resources, and time          

If you are considering offering a trial on your membership website, be certain to determine if your budget can afford the cost.

You should also consider the people who just want to participate in the trial period for free however they are not planning on joining to become an active member.

Try to alleviate these risks by doing some or an array of these suggestions:

  • Provide a reduced fee trial This is, you will still receive some of the sales to enable access.
  • Filter who gets within the trial period it is possible to have customers complete a questionnaire or take a test so that you can filter who gets the chance to take part in the trial.
  • The trial time limit is set at a minimum This will take a lot of testing and testing, but if you manage to find the perfect duration to assist your clients to make an informed choice, it will be extremely beneficial to you.

Should You Run A Free Or Paid Trial?

free or paid trial for membership site

A majority of trial offer runs without cost. However, that doesn't mean you shouldn't try it.

You can always choose the discounted rate or even offer a trial for the cost of a small amount.

Instead of just providing them with a free trial, think about offering a modest fee to boost their mental "buy-in" to membership site.

Charging a minimal fee can be a good option in order to screen out those just looking to get something for no cost and also those really interested in joining.

The final decision will always be yours to decide.

Why Should You Never Provide a Test for Your Membership Website?

The answer will depend upon what you're offering.

In the case of running an online course, a trial period might not be your best alternative. Because your customers may complete the course prior to the trial being completed.

But, there's always an alternative to this. It is possible to protect this latter option or even a specific part of your courses to exclude it from your trial.

An additional example would be when you're providing a service. As an example, say you're providing an opportunity to repair your garage free for members who are in their trial period.

It is possible to think about another approach than a trial. You could also charge a minimal fee to balance out the costs.

It is also possible to offer you a base level of your website where members who are trial users can get access to the scaled-down version of the entire offer.

At the very least, it gets people inside your site's membership and community, which may encourage them to get an upgrade after the trial.

Questions to ask yourself prior to offering an Opportunity to Try

questions to ask yourself

Before you decide to jump on that trial offer Here are some important questions to think about. The answers to these questions can help you make an informed decision.

  • How long should your trial time be? Your customers will need enough time to really dip their toes in and determine if what you're offering is something they can't survive without. At the same time it's important to be sure it's not "too lengthy." ."
  • Are you able to afford the cost? You should definitely consider giving users an opportunity to use your product or your service is something you can afford and something that will benefit you in the long run.
  • What is the time frame for conversion? When it comes to running a business is money. Think about the amount of period it'll take for trial members to become pay members.

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