
Mar 30, 2022

Our friends at TheCodeCo claim that just since your initial website helped make your current self however, that doesn't mean that it's going to be a good fit. This article is republished under the terms of permission. see the original here.

Digital publisher staring at website backend

You and your trusted publishing platform have gone through several things. They are deeply connected. This is why you'd want to attempt every trick to bring back the excitement of great old days.

However, just because your initial customized website helped you become the successful author you are now, does not mean that it can take you to the next level. Just like all long-term relationships ending a relationship is hard to deal with. But don't let sentimental feelings hinder your progress.

Are you ready to give off from your site?

Sometimes, it's necessary to confront the truth. You've changed. Markets have changed. It is time to change the way we think. You recognize this. However, you feel more comfortable to be searching in the creaky CMS and hoping for a solution, button, or magical solution to get you out of the never-ending chaos.

Why? Because it involves a tech project. The majority of people (even the digital publishing industry) are uncomfortable with technology. In fact, a 2015 study conducted by Chapman University revealed that technology was Americans their second-leading source of anxiety. That's right, technological disruptions are more frightening than death (and just a little less frightening than having to experience an earthquake). However, if you're trying to stay ahead of the curve as a media entrepreneur in today's world, it is the right time to face your fears and reevaluate your most important relationship.

The tech stack you have may be hindering your progress

Are any of these scenarios familiar?

  • The editorial team of your website is always inundated by administrative tasks related to your website and process
  • It costs a lot of money for seemingly simple tasks.
  • The majority of your budget for tech will be spent in keeping the illumination on.
  • The programmers you work with have told you that an action can't be implemented "because of the method in which it was constructed"
  • The amount of visitors visiting your site are growing, however the revenues have been flat.
  • The advertising industry is requesting data and insight from their audience that you're not able to deliver
  • You're running out of advertising inventory or have an uneasy feeling that you're not making the most of your revenue
  • Your business model has drastically changed since the time you launched your first business

If you believe in any of these statements, then you must seriously contemplate changing your technology. Anyone who has become bored of their website, replatforming is often the fastest way to create lasting and significant adjustments. It is a method to get results in a matter of hours.

     Learn about how Private Media increased front and back-end efficiency of their magazine Crikey by 200%..

What are the ways publishers can avoid tech initiatives?

In reality, it isn't just the fear of technology that's stopping you from taking the leap. It's the fear that technology is being faulty. For most digital publishing companies, their resistance in trying new things is caused by one (or more) of these "nightmare scenarios'

  1. The blow-out price
  2. Projects that never end
  3. This is the agency that's wrong.

These fears are perfectly understandable. You're already leading an organization that is digital during one of the largest times of disruptions that the globe has ever encountered. This is why you're uneasy concerning the likelihood of an extensive web redesign. However, waiting and watching won't be a winning strategy, as recently released McKinsey research on 'Digital Strategy in a Time of Crisis' demonstrates.

MCKINSEY, 'DIGITAL Strategism in Times of Crisis'

What technologies should publishers consider investing in?

Although now is the perfect moment to invest in the field of technology, it is essential not to over-invest. Tech debt is very easy to accumulate but harder to get free of. Publishers are overwhelmed by technology choices. That's why we start every project with a thorough discovery. In order to give owners of media an opportunity to examine their options, decide on priorities and prevent costly mistakes.

Achieving success in media comes from knowing what technologies to invest in. As Steve Jobs famously acknowledged, technology can be described as tools used to aid the work of brilliant people. It's your actions while using the tool that make the most impact.

Truth is that technology shouldn't be complicated or difficult to understand.

Prior to launching any new device or new technology, take a moment and ask "How does this help my company?' If you don't understand the implications then you're contributing to confusion. When working with media companies the way we've always been working has been "anti-complexity". What can we do to provide the best business outcomes in the simplest method? By removing the distractions of blinking lights or unnecessary devices, we will ensure that the budgets of clients are used only where is truly needed. Thus, your work will be finished on time, you will never be in a hurry and all nightmare scenarios are avoided.

The most effective changes are typically caused by simple adjustments that have been planned well and carried out. They can easily be aligned with the primary business objectives.

The reasons why traditional publishing goals don't work is because they aren't

The first step to determine your needs in technology is to establish your company's objectives. This is the sort of thing that publishers usually describe their mission:

  • More traffic
  • Additional advertising
  • Time to get it done

It was the case that publishing was thought of as balls to pursue. The advent of the internet has changed the game of publishing.

Be sure your software corresponds to your needs for publishing

The focus on traffic isn't the best way to grow your website's digital publishing. Advertisers do not really care about the number of people who come to your website. They want to know of the types of users who visit their site, how they engage in content, and the value they bring to their particular brand.

In this constantly growing data-focused customer base, vanity metrics such as traffic are barely scratching the surface. It is important to think beyond the marketing ads and instead focus on how you can use technology to form profitable relationships with companies. Once you've got your approach perfect, you can make the most of your time at work.

Here's what your goals should be:

goal 1: Better audience data: The more you are aware of your audience's preferences and their needs, the better you are capable of improving and enhancing the quality of your content. This results in greater involvement (see Goal 2) as well as the chance to create exciting opportunities for your clients (see Goal 3)

Objective 2: More audience engagement: An engaged audience is a highly useful audience. This is why now is an ideal time to become an independent media company. Small and active communities can be the best place to find future opportunities for media corporations.

Goal #3: More compelling advertising opportunities for customers: If you've accomplished Goals 1 and 2, Goal 3 will be inevitable. If you're able offer intelligent, tailored marketing options to your clients, you're an increasingly attractive prospect.

Publishing technology is an important game changer.

When you've decided on your goal It's time to take a take a look at the technology you have in place. For digital publishers that are seeking to expand this is the initial game-changers we tackle:

Content Management System

It's a business that is based on content, which is why it's not difficult for an expert to understand the value of your content management system (CMS). An excellent CMS is the backbone of any digital publisher that is successful. It is (or it ought to be) the sole source of precision, and it be capable of adapting to any demands of marketing and editorial.

If you're a growing media provider, you shouldn't ignore WordPress. Well you may however, you'll regret it fast. A variety of platforms have attempted to take on WordPress but none could ever even come close to the versatility, reliability, and ability to integrate.

Learn more: Drupal and. WordPress: What's best for digital publishers?

Even if you're running an enormous publishing company, there's an excuse not to create your own platform. Custom CMS's are stifling costly as well as they're likely absolutely destroy your business if (or more likely, if) technology evolves at the speed of today.

What people often don't understand is that WordPress is able to be optimized for complicated workflows. We do it every day. However, the publishing platforms can be incredibly complex and it's not easy to come across developers with the capabilities (or enough time) to answer all any specific queries you may have. And so, through several solutions, you'll end up having a complicated publishing structure.

What about SaaS publishing platforms such as Substack along with Medium?

If you're a creative writer, or trying to learn about publishing, SaaS solutions are excellent. However, plug-and play technology platforms pose a challenge for those who want to publish. Are you willing to run your entire operation based on a plugin that costs $50? We have a large portion of our work in conjunction with The Code Company involves 'rescue operations' with publishers who are learning this through the trial and trial and.

Read More: The three most common mistakes that publishers make when developing or replatforming their sites

Hosting Platforms

Slow websites are the fastest method to lose visitors and advertisers. It's the reason why selecting the most efficient hosting platform is essential. In selecting a server there are two choices:

  • Hosting that is self-managed
  • Platforms for managed hosting

In the past, as a result of the difficulty of what was needed, most enterprise publishers opted to build their own hosting system. But managed platforms have advanced so that the major demands of expanding publishing houses are met.

Read more: What is the most efficient web hosting solution for digital authors? Managed hosting is an excellent option when you're using WordPress. When it comes to stability, security backups, updating, caching and backups The options provided by platforms like WordPress Engine and WordPress VIP can be compared to the top. Additionally, they can help you save money. It was a pleasant reminder of the merits of hosting services recently while working with a new client for publishing. Simply by switching to a managed hosting service and saving them around $200,000 each year!


The team we work with recently met with a small-scale publisher who has developed an engaging crowd of readers that businesses were knocking at their doors in order to place ads. A publishing dream come true? You'd think. There was however a difficulty. They ran out of stock. They had a shortage of advertising units available on their site to satisfy the needs of their customers. Profit margins were declining but they refused to take customers away.

Our initial step in turning the dire situation was call in our AdOps group to effectively install Google Ad Manager and build an effective WordPress connectivity. This gave editorial and advertising departments complete control over the management of the campaigns and how they were targeted. It also contributed to a rapid ROI as well as the possibility of a significant rise in the revenue.

The primary focus of publishing changes rapidly from targeting to traffic. Therefore, it's likely that users will require sophisticated strategies to advertise. To maximise future revenue opportunities, now is the ideal time to prepare your AdTech to be successful.

Data Collection Tools

Are you in possession of a goldmine of data? Probably. A lot of digital publishers are but few are aware of it. Even fewer are aware of how they can make use of it to increase their revenue. The WPP AUNZ CEO Jens Monsees made this point at the 2020 Mumbrella 360 when he likened the digital world to high school sexuality.

"Everybody talks about it, only a few people are actually doing it, but nobody is doing it properly. In addition, you have to understand the issue. Where can I find this data? What should I do in order to access it and understand the information in real-time? How many clients are using an effective data strategy as well as the IT infrastructure to collect and understand the information?"

If you use the appropriate technology, you can gain deep behavioural information that can tell you what people are doing over longer periods of time. A good place to begin is by configuring your ESP (email service provider) to get a better understanding of the kinds of content an person clicks. This allows you to customize your user's experience, in addition to providing highly relevant information and advertising opportunities for your customers.

"Behaviorally targeted advertisements are twice more valuable and two times as effective as non-targeted online ads"

Google Tag Manager (GTM) is also worth considering as. The name is appropriate, GTM allows you to control the tags you use on your website. This has changed the way that publishers function since it provides greater control of the kind of tags you can use on your website and also ensures that it's not necessary to constantly engage programmers to make small changes. The GTM Event Tracking tool can be a powerful way to track interactions between users and certain features/elements of your website.

Read More: Tags for Server-side applications within Google Ad Manager What does it mean to advertisers

Some parting thoughts

As a digital publisher and a digital publisher, you're in a lengthy connection with the technology. However, is your website offering everything you require for success? Are you stopping yourself from altering your site because you're comfortable in your current setup? Remember that none of the major achievements were ever achieved in an environment that was comfortable.

Yet innovation needn't be stressful. Once you have the ideal technological partner, and have a straightforward mentality, you and the publishing platform can live happily for the rest of your days.

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