
Jul 28, 2022

It's R2vgUULNXvgOULNXVh Cherie Hu of Water and Music discusses Web3 at Consensys 2022

Water and Music, the publication and research DAO (decentralized autonomous organisation) creating the innovative's guide to the music business is designed to promote discussions among people working in music tech. The DAO is now taking it one step further and actively engaging with the industry's hive of thought to design research initiatives and reward all those actively involved.

"My principal reason for having this membership is helping individuals understand the world more and then recognize their own role within the global community," begins Cherie Hu as the creator of Water and Music. Cherie hopes to aid people to get the best possible education so that they have the best impression on the business they are working in. One of her main principles, especially in the area of business reporting, has written to be practical. "At the end of every article, you'll get an idea of what to perform in your particular field, or how you can become better in your job. The closing of the gap between what people in the community need, and the writing we do, is essential," Cherie explains.

Nowadays the Water and Music team has increased the frequency of'research sprints' lasting about 10 weeks, where they select a subject to gather all the information they can to help their customers. In these sprints of research after they've made a decision to research a particular topic, they go out and speak to people in the Water and Music community: "We inquire, 'What do you think are your biggest concerns at the moment?' Then we solicit the community to respond. After that, the format of our report comes from these requests," she tells me.

True to form, the Water and Music research sprints are extremely collaborative and team-based. "It's an open process for ideation and we have a large group of individuals who are helping with the editing research," Cherie says. To date, we've seen that the Water and Music community has released two research papers as part of this arrangement. Keeping on-trend, they sold NFTs retroactively, so that if anyone wanted to support their research , they could to contribute with the money being split equally among the people who contributed. "It's clear to me that the result from this study were far superior than if just a single person attempted to study all the things. The work would never be complete!" she smiles. "It's made me believe in the possibility of not only connecting people, but, more importantly, combining knowledge."

Restoring the power

"It's more of an academic term, but I think it's really applicable in the context of Water and Music: we're one of a kind of community," Cherie continues. "The term was coined in the year 1991 by the cognitive Anthropologist Jean Lave and educational theorist Etienne Wenger, and refers to a community composed of individuals who do not just share an desire to share a common interest and passion however, they also gather to explore ways they can improve their lives."

The writer describes what this may mean for people from the same field as well as those in similar positions across industries. They frequently communicate as well as exchange data. Water and Music will contribute more than simply creating instruments for the production of media that facilitate peer-to peer education: "That'll be a really crucial aspect of the future in breaking down the boundaries of information within the music industry , and helping everyone become more inclusive and cooperative." Cherie adds.

There's a sense of 'taking back the control' within this. Cherie hopes to assure the musicians that they have greater influence than they believe: "Certainly, in the streaming market, there's a growing consolidation that is dominated by Spotify and other big tech businesses. Rates of royalties are dropping however, it's going to go downhill! We're giving artists the ability to comprehend the variety of alternatives. The goal is to equip artists as well as others around them with the capability to be more creative."

Sux3d7DLXXZZZHfaqDqtw Water and Music team Water and Music team

Cheire explains that the phrase "community of practice" originally meant professional community but it can also apply to creative communities like the one we have here. For Water and Music the exact objective is to increase awareness of the music industry , and it's all down to an individual motive. "I'm inspired by my work due to the fact that I used to play the piano. I played a lot with classical music, however, I love being around different artists of all sorts and hearing their thoughts about where technology is heading," Cherie continues. "Hopefully that whatever information that we share can help the team members and artists better understand technology, to enable them to produce cool art!"

The rabbit hole through the tunnel

The company's latest deep-dive research is a look into the confusion of Web3 that is the name of the next generation of technology on the internet based upon blockchain technology. "We're looking to comprehend what's the State of the Union for technology-related developments in music, particularly those that generate lots of noise" she says. "Web3 is the perfect example since there's lots of confusion and no one knows precisely what's going on. This is the most bizarre tunnel, and it's moving down. It's almost as if "What's going on? ?'!"

The music industry is not surprisingly, one of the biggest worries is that of fan-generated sentiment. "I believe that this is the primary reason why lots of artists do not have NFTs right now: because they are afraid of the backlash of the fans," she muses. "We conducted a research study to address concerns about Web3. Of course, in the realm of music there are many issues regarding licensing and IP (IP) that are associated with NFTs. There's an entire chapter!"

The tlg9Yi9H8w9qUpATyR6 It was the Water and Music meetup at the NFT.NYC conference.

The next report of collaboration in the community is in stage of being written. "We're researching even more nebulous issues currently, including the metaverse and what it signifies!" Cherie jokes. "We're not even trying to build something right now. We're looking to find out the views of the public on it and also what they have difficulty understanding." The book features interviews with startup founders, artists creators and industry professionals on their understanding of the concept of metaverse, and what they're hoping to achieve through it and also what's proving to be difficult.

Cherie mentions that the goal is to integrate this study by creating online tools that can tackle these issues. "We have done this using a few Web3 topics that exist, such as used music sales using NFTs as well as shares of royalties. Certain smart contracts suggest that 10% to 20% of all additional sales will be given to the artist who originally created it and lots of users see the idea as a profit. However, the reality is that most NFT's do not result in any secondary sales," Cherie explains. Cherie believes that the worth is in the direct relationship and connection an NFT is a part of, and not in the possibility of having something that can be sold later on.

Alongside the report Water and Music will be creating a dashboard for tracking where users will be able to input their NFT collection to determine whether there were any further sales and if so and how the NFT is performing in the market. "We want to build additional interactive instruments. It's similar to the idea of interactive data journalism, especially for musicians since they're the people who are thinking the most about the release or pricing NFT releases. We're developing essential structures and tools that will help individuals do this analysis independently."

Conflicting visions

Cherie notes that some terms in these newer ones become more complex instead of being clearer as time passes "For the metaverse for instance, there's an enormous disparity between the way the metaverse is historically described, as well as the way it's conceptually been defined early in the 1960s." She explains that the way that her Water and Music team is creating a framework to understand how traditional metaverse definitions are constructed and how they will make the connection between beliefs and reality.

"The early sci-fi novels which referenced the metaverse, contained a grand vision of interconnected virtual as well as IRL worlds. The world is so away from being that way today. Yet, at the exact time there is a trend in the field of music where artists claim "I've created my own world" when they are really discussing a virtual reality.

"There exists a contradiction between the two views of the metaverse," she adds. "You face Meta (Facebook's holding company) and Epic Games on one side Each is centralized, and only one entity controls everything. However, there is the idea of a multi-layered Web3-based metaverse that is interoperable with identity and assets. It's sensible to or even try trying out blockchain technology, as well as the role it plays in facilitating this, however this is in direct opposition to Facebook's position."

Cherie states that the metaverse "just changed into this unclear concept that anybody can apply to the benefit of their own" and she'd like to break through the chaos. This is in perfect alignment with Cherie's raison d'etre: Water and Music analyzes and critically look at the topic, and then give practical information to instruct users on the best way to respond. It has practical applications as well, such as providing assistance to artists and their staff when they are evaluating working with specific metaverse-based platforms.

Water and Music meetup

     The Water and Music meetup at the NFT.NYC event.    

Cherie concludes her show in a typical fashion by encouraging collaboration among her Water and Music community. "In the coming months we'll begin to release interviews with artists as well as platforms as well as startup founders. The research into metaverses will last through the middle of summer and well into the autumn, so if you would like to get involved in meta-world research get in touch with me. If you've got ideas of individuals to speak with, I'm willing to hear ideas!"

If you want to know more about the project about us, join us to follow us on Twitter. Cherie can be involved by follow her for updates on Twitter: @water andmusic. To become a member of the Water and Music community, and gain access to the community's in-depth research reports and Discord server, go to

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