Building A Personal Coaching Brand Through Courses

Nov 24, 2022

As an entrepreneur, you are aware of the significance of creating a brand for yourself. This is how you can stand out within your field, draw your ideal clients and grow your business into the future.

But while many of us know the "why" but we aren't sure about the "how". How can you create a reputation for your online coaching course that makes you unforgettable, and also allows you to offer premium pricing on a the right price?

We interviewed Dana Malstaff, CEO and the founder of Boss Mom for a discussion on how she came up with strategies in building her very profitable brand. In 2015, Dana launched Boss Mom an online community of women who are passionate about creating businesses and families. Within a short time, she transformed the brand into a six-figure business. In the years since, she's written books, speaks internationally as well as running her own online coaching business while raising her family.

  Check out this video to discover ways to increase brand awareness and growing a tribe for your online coaching programs:  

What exactly is a brand, and why is it important?

Your logo is more than just a logo, website or a moodboard that you have in Pinterest. There's more than just your core values or mission statement. While these elements play an important role, they're only the start of your branding story.

  Your image is the thing people experience: what they think of your image, what they think of your persona, and what emotions you evoke when interacting with the other.  

For a successful reputation as a coach the digital space You must create touches that provide a consistent experience. If you can increase the number of touch points, the more you'll increase the 'know, love and trust' aspects of your company.

"Your goal in building your brand is to create a magnetizing environment where people feel drawn to you, and feel strongly compelled to share your story with others. the brand."
- Dana Malstaff

If you are able to create an impression on potential clients that you are the perfect person to assist them in solving an issue, then your business will stand over time.

How do you build your brand as a coach

First, you must develop your brand vision.

Dana describes this method as the process of drafting the stage for your Movement Manifesto.

The notion behind this process is that the success of every company is founded on a certain type of trend. In other words, if you're not trying to resolve a problem, or issue that people will be interested in It will be difficult to get others excited about your work.

The creation of a manifesto for your company gives you direction on how you should communicate to your customers. It should also inform your design for the core branding elements like your logo, website.

Create your personal brand statements The Movement Manifesto

The goal with this exercise is to make you think about what kind of brand you'd like create. With each one below, you must write at least five phrases for the complete statement.

  1. I believe...
  2. I would like to live in the world of...
  3. What I have found to be the truth...

Below are some ideas to assist you in getting going:

  • I am convinced. On a personal level, think about the statements you make about what you believe to be true in your everyday life. E.g. I think I could be anywhere at any time, for six hours a week without feeling guilty regarding how or what I do.
  • I would like to live in a place where. On an industry scale, consider what you'd like to happen which are not currently. E.g. I would like to live in a world where mothers are not looked on for operating home-based businesses as they send their kids to daycare.
  • It is the only thing I know to be true. Think about your morals and write statements on how you want to communicate those to the world. E.g. Every person has amazing abilities. As coaches, there are plenty of clients available in the event that we concentrate on collaboration and showcasing our unique capabilities.

This exercise can provide a couple of key advantages to building your image.

It helps you decide what you care about most. When you begin to write content for your online course email, social media platforms, you'll have the clarity of which key messages to emphasize.

Second, it helps you choose what you wish to be recognized for. This is the second phase of branding, which is choosing the is the language, specialization, or change you would like your customers to be able to identify with.

When you've written the Movement Manifesto, you'll end having a list of keywords to represent your company's brand. Take note of these words and phrases. You'll want to be able to use them in each conversation that you engage in, online and off.

We'll then go over some strategies you can use to get your brand message to the people in your area.

Three strategies to build your personal brand

Once you have your brand's manifesto in hand, it's time to begin putting your name out there. Here are Dana's top 3 ways to build your brand as a coach.

Strategies #1: Be'micro-famous within the communities that are similar to yours.

Instead of trying to be the most well-known coach immediately, set a goal to become 'micro-famous' in another's world at first. Here are some suggestions for achieving this:

  • Choose two or three organizations in your region and start to hang out in these communities. Be careful not to select groups that directly compete with your business. Choose groups that complement your own.
  • Start to engage with the community every day to see if your message is received by the group. Focus on adding value.
  • Utilizing the key words from the manifesto Search for the keywords within the conversations of your group. Only comment on conversations that align with your brand's key messages that you want to be known by.

Chances are, you'll start to become known in that community as a solution to a certain issue. As this happens, the people are more likely to start to recommend you. Once you have that, you are able to create your own space and create your own community.

"Don't attempt to create your own group and wonder what the reason you're the only person hanging out there! Be consistent in adding the value of other communities first, and your brand will begin to develop naturally."
- Dana Malstaff

A coach's important part of the strategy to increase your visibility should include being acknowledged as an expert across other platforms in order to build clout for your company.

Now, we're not saying you need to aspire to the level of a TED Talk right out of the beginning. Begin with a small start There are plenty of methods to be recognized as an expert. These are some which are great for coaches

  • YouTube channels
  • Facebook Lives
  • Guest blogs
  • Podcasts
  • Live speaking events

To decide what works best for your business, think about the places your customers hang around. Do they spend a lot of time online, or do they prefer going to events?

Whatever channel you choose Make it your top priority to reach out to make people talk about your business!

     To learn some of the strategies Dana used to build her personal Boss Mom coaching brand, check out the video below!    

Strategy #3: Cultivate your tribe

As you start to build your tribe, make sure you are intentional in building your community. If you're trying to figure out how you can build a community with highly engaged members and customers like Dana, take this to take to your heart: it's not just about you.

As the group facilitator Consider yourself the host rather than the leader. Why? Dana puts it well...

"If you proclaim to the world that you're a leader, no one cares. However, if you're a leader by raising people up in your local community, and by giving them a hand in their business and encouraging them to be experts in their field and then the magic happens."
- Dana Malstaff

It's the same idea Simon Sinek talks about in his book The Leader Eats Last. Get yourself out of the center of the spotlight, provide chances for others to participate and feel valued, and you'll have people stepping up as your ambassadors.

Below are some suggestions of how you can accomplish this.

  • Get your audience's assistance. If you're working on a new project or launch, you can ask your community for feedback. What do they think about your brand? The price you offer? Value gained? When you include them as part of your program by including them in your process, you're letting them know that you care deeply about their opinions and have committed in developing programs to assist people like them.
  • Give different roles. Wherever your community meets - either in person, an online group on Facebook, or a slack channel - choose three to four representatives of your group. You can assign them roles. For example, if you have a Facebook group, you can assign one person to be the moderator. Also, give them one day per week when they're responsible for engaging in conversations around a topic they're enthusiastic about.

Continue to apply these tactics in the future, and you'll be able to build a community of ambassadors. neighborhood.

  A frequent occurrence, and what to fix it  

When you begin to build your client base and increase your client base, Dana sees many coaches face the same issue in keeping up with the demands of running the back end the business.

It is crucial to brand because without effective processes, your service to customers can suffer, affecting your reputation. In addition to handling payments as well as correspondence with clients, and a litany of administrative duties numerous coaches are in a bind and are stretched thin.

If you can relate, consider that it might be time to engage the services of a project manager in order to make sure that things are going efficiently. Both your clients and your future self will appreciate it for this!

Join Dana at or in her Facebook group.

  Do you want to know more about growing your coaching business by offering online training? Get this Online Coach Blueprint below for an easy-to-follow guide for creating your very first online coaching course.