Best Edtech Trends to Watch in 2022

Mar 23, 2022

What is the trajectory of the field of education technology? transform by 2022 and beyond and what trends in the field of edtech have to be taken into consideration? Discover more.

There has been an increase in enrollments of nearly 250% over the past year, and this number continues to increase. The market for technology for learning is expected to reach $377.8 billion by 2028, there's no doubt that educational technology (edtech) hasn't stopped growing.

What's happening in Edtech? How is it going to develop and change in 2022, and what tech trends in education should we be on the lookout for?

  1.       Augmented and virtual
  2.       Gamification
  3.       Big data
  4.       Flexibility
  5.       Artificial intelligence
  6.       E-learning

What do you mean by Edtech?

Edtech is a digital form of technology. It's similar to the computer hardware and software that was created for the purpose of enhancing or assisting the teaching and learning process.

This could refer to tangible objects like laptops equipped with interactive whiteboards, interactive whiteboards or tablets, or devices for translation. Additionally, it could refer to software such as virtual reality programs and educational online platforms. Edtech was created to enhance learning and makes it simpler for educators to help students learn.

The reason why Edtech crucial?

Edtech helps teachers and instructors communicate their expertise better and also aids students to learn. These benefits aren't limited to classrooms, edtech helps with corporate onboarding and training, independent online learning, or group learning like classes in languages or arts.

Edtech can help students learn with methods that are beneficial to their needs. If you have certain students, they could learn the best when hearing someone speak about a concept while some may be the best by using their hands. But both methods of learning are able to be utilized when learning about something, such as how to construct the birdhouse (one student may watch an instructor demonstrate how to build a birdhouse, while others can attempt to construct one.) However, it's not always that simple. Thanks to edtech technologies such as virtual reality, like in the picture the students have the chance to try every aspect of their learning, from research in the field of science and exploration of Mount Everest or space.

Edtech is also a way to make it easier for students with disabilities. Technology can help students who have disabilities who suffer from sensory or cognitive impairments learn more easily from materials. Easy things such as access to online courses give students the option to hear textbooks read aloud in order to help those struggling to read, or read the lecture notes.

Technology can transform the ways pupils learn and teachers work - it could make learning easy, enjoyable, and as fun.

1. Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality

Virtual Reality (VR) and Augmented reality (AR) offer students new and exciting ways to learn. Instead of simply studying or watching videos on a specific subject learners can make use of VR as well as AR to explore the ideas in 3D.

There are a myriad of applications that range from virtual students traveling to landmarks and museums and medical students learning the fundamentals of how to talk to the patients at an emergency department and offer precise diagnoses. While the pandemic led to the development of VR for education into the spotlight because of the necessity of it, we'll still observe VR and AR to learning expand in 2022.

 VR for hands-on learning

There are numerous businesses that focus on VR for education of students. An excellent example of this could be The ENGAGE platform. Its ENGAGE team has developed the metaverse to be used for both businesses and universities for training and learning purposes. Users can create their own universe that they can use to learn, train, demonstrate, lectures and other professional gatherings.

Stanford University used ENGAGE for their very first VR course in 2021. known as "virtual individuals." VR headsets were provided to students, as well as over 50% of the classes took place with VR. Students were able in order to develop the ability to communicate and study online.

Another great example one is Expeditions Pro, a company which is taking over the defunct VR portion of Google Expeditions. Expeditions Pro offers the ability to build VR tours, and also access to a large existing selection of VR tours. These could include the Louvre and the Great Wall of China, and even exploring the depths of the ocean. Students can learn both from creating their own tour in addition to observing tour guides that were already developed.

Teachers also have the option of using Google Earth VR for taking students for virtual field trips around the globe, without ever needing to leave the classroom. What student wouldn't want to find out the background of the early Romans via a virtual replica of Rome?          KvLcmSeXXXkWGZsKWDWXy

VR for special educational

VR assists children with specific disabilities improve their communication skills and improve social interaction in a safe and secure setting. Studies have proven that VR can help lower social anxiety ADHD and cognitive issues such as dyslexia, dyslexia, Down syndrome, and others.

VR headsets and other devices are costly, which is why they aren't accessible to the majority of instructors. The prices of VR headsets range from $1000 USD to $400-$300 over the last few time. As more companies enter the market, we will see prices decrease and becoming more affordable. VR is an extremely powerful way to learn and is expected to continue expanding as a tool for education through 2022 and beyond.

2. Gamification

Edtech introduces gamification on an entirely new level. It offers various online games that teach, as well as online education courses that offer awards and certificates of achievement. This can be particularly useful to help keep kids interested when they study. As per BlueWeave Consulting the global education game industry is projected to grow at least 29% in 2027. It had already reached $697.26 million in 2020. The gaming industry isn't going anywhere.

In a simple level, sites such as provide children at school with games online that aid students learn the fundamentals of reading, math, strategies as well as other skills. Even though the website's basic version is totally free, the vast majority of the sites offering games have premium versions too.

In the world of video games, the game that has become so popular Minecraft has launched the Education Edition specifically meant for teaching. Sandbox in the game provides teachers and learners with an immersive environment to create and explore in. The Minecraft site's example provides an investigational mission that aims to investigate the effects of agriculture on climate changes. Students can play in a variety of ways with NPC's (non-player characters) and explore the farm in game in addition to designing their own urban farms based on their data.

screenshot of minecraft education edition to demonstrate gamification edtech trends

Undoubtedly we'll witness more video games appearing in the marketplace, with education being the main goal. In addition, we're likely to be seeing more gamification in the classroom using computers and tablets as more technology is being introduced to the classroom.

3. Big data

There is a lot of big data nowadays. As of the year 2019, 90% of all digital information was created during the last two years. The volume of data accessible is increasing in a rapid rate but how do edtech leverage the data available by 2022 and the coming years?

Student engagement


When instructors have data from the past regarding their students' habits of learning through online education and online learning, they can make inferences about how every student learns most effectively. Students can take individualized learning pathways that move according to their individual pace. It's already being observed with self-paced online courses, but it will continue to grow in popularity as more learning happens digitally. In fact, 73% of college education students choosing to sign up for specific online courses after an infection, teachers will continue to offer the possibility of learning online. Online learning gives the ability to access student data and much more personalized instruction.

4. Flexibility

The COVID-19 virus forced schools and course designers to be more flexible when it comes to delivering the knowledge of students. Online learning that is flexible and adaptable is here to stay and improve in 2022.

Asynchronous Learning

Student autonomy

John Drea outlined his experiment of in-person learning vs. Zoom on Harvard Business Publishing for Education. Two of his courses he gave students the option of joining via Zoom or in person. The instructor also reviewed what students picked to do, and received comments from the students. John noticed that students were pleased with the flexibility and autonomy to choose how they attended the course. John didn't find it difficult to implement the option of zooming since he needed to have the webcam to record his lectures.

This is a great example of how allowing students to select different options for attending classes can benefit students. Students who have autonomy to choose how they go to classes, they're much more likely to be able to go to classes because of other commitments.

Additionally, there are university-based environments. students are more and more choosing online classes because of the freedom they offer. Courses online can be taken anywhere in the world, when it is convenient for them. It makes learning easier and more easily integrated into the lives of students. Students will be demanding autonomy in 2022.

Online communities

5. Artificial intelligence

We have already discussed the way that massive data could be used to assist in tailoring the learning experience for students. Artificial Intelligence takes things to the next level with regards to personalization within educational technology. While educators can find insights by themselves, and then implement these findings using an analysis of data, AI systems can take the burden of this work. When provided with sufficient data, AI creates machine learning models which provide insight and patterns in output.

Microsoft reported that it's 92 percent of US teachers who have begun to experiment with AI technology. It also stated that 15% call it"a "game-changer."

Companies such as CENTURY Technology provide educational platforms that are personalized to teachers. They make use of AI along with behavioral science to fill any gaps in knowledge of students and also provide educational materials to students at the appropriate time.

screenshot of AI company website to demonstrate AI and machine learning edtech trend

ELSA is an AI-powered application to help you learn languages and aid English learners speak with confidence. The app boasts an artificial intelligence-powered voice assistant that provides the analysis of spoken and spoken pronunciation to find areas that need improvements for the student.

screenshot of ELS AI language learning company to demonstrate AI edtech trend

AI is continuing to enhance learning and learning capabilities as more companies move into the world of educational technology. The possibilities of AI to improve learning and individual learning are awe-inspiring and offer clear advantages for instructors as well as students.

6. E-learning

The learning process that's e-learning is taking its place in the world of electronics and usually on the internet. The COVID-19 pandemic forced companies and education institutions to shift to online learning and the trend is likely to last for a long time. Instructors, creators of courses as well as trainers and students are all required to become acquainted with the learning environment . They must change, which is the reason why some educators have taken things higher.

Diversification Diversification

The top online course creators aren't longer just producing a set of videos and declaring it a full day. They're now offering additional learning materials like ebooks, personal training sessions, memberships and digital downloads. It's a win-win for learners who receive additional educational resources as well as an advantage for course creators who are able to make use of the materials to create leads or to charge to provide content.

 Mobile learning

The mobile learning industry may expand to over 2 billion by 2027. The students are searching for educational online courses that work seamlessly across their smartphones and tablets and tablets that means they're able to study while in motion. The e-learning platforms will focus on content that is mobile-friendly as teachers are looking for ways to make educational materials available for mobile users.

Exploiting the latest developments in education technology

If you're a course creator or educator trying to make the course more effective or a curious student, or perhaps someone who is not familiar with the world of education technology, these developments will help prepare you for what's to come in the field of education through 2022 and after. Edtech will to make learning more fun as well as complex and efficient for students as well as teachers. It's in everyone's best interest to make use of edtech to enhance the overall learning experience.

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