Be aware of privacy settings. The best ways to share your videos securely

Mar 16, 2024

The video has been uploaded to  and added the ideal name and description, chosen just the right thumbnail -- all in all it's a win-win situation. But there's one more important issue to decide: which privacy setting should you pick? There are a myriad of privacy options to help meet your requirements, as it's one of the most important things to our users. We want to create your Vimexperience as seamless as possible, here are some helpful tips for common use cases that we have observed to help to navigate the complexities of privacy. So that you'll get thousands of people watching your content, or even a few. The settings are your oyster.

If you'd like to manage the privacy settings on all of your videos Go to upload defaults within your settings in the profile. You'll have several options in Privacy that let you control where and to whom the videos are made available. We all recognize that there will always be unique cases and scenarios that require you to select different settings for your videos, depending on what you're using them for. It is possible to get more specific and control privacy for your individual videos by navigating to the privacy settings of each video. Click on your video and then click the Privacy icon from the left-hand sidebar. Voila! It's time to pick from the following:



You might be part of a team working on a rough cut. Or maybe you rep an organization with a finalized video in the works, but you're waiting for a big event to publish it. Or maybe you just want to save that milk-shooting-out-of-your-nose video for your own personal giggles, and not necessarily have it show up when your boss Googles your name. Utilizing the "Private" option is an excellent way to store videos for you and your team's eyes only.


Password protecting your videos is among the safest ways to control who sees the video. This comes in handy for anyone including wedding videographers and marketers as well as production companies who professionally live stream their videos, as well as film makers who are delivering their clients a brand new cutting. Send your URL as well as your designated password, and the people you share it with, your crew members or anyone else with whom they share the link with will be able to input the password manually for access to your video over and over. Be aware, however, that they are then allowed to pass your URL and password with others should they choose (free isn't it?)


Videos that are not listed will not show up in search results, but they can be accessed and shared with anyone who has the video's unique URL. The videos are also able to be embedded on any website. The viewer does not require an account to watch videos that are not listed.

Stay away from

This is another option only available to Plus and above members. If you choose this option you can have your video integrated on third party sites, however it cannot be viewed through .com. This is a good option for those who want embed your videos on a third party site or blog, and want to direct eyes to your website, not return to (hey we'd like you to succeed everywhere -but not only in our website).

Live users rejoice,

Premium users, take heart. Each of the privacy options listed are ready for customizing for live streams as well as video archives, too! And to better cater to this real-time format, you can set your privacy preference as soon the moment you start planning your event (which may be days, months, or a bit further ahead). This way, you are able to focus on the live event day of and do not worry about sharing secure information.

You can also go one step further and employ email capture in tandem with privacy settings to improve your marketing strategies. You could, for instance, provide a link that is not public to your live event and enable email capture. So, only people who sign up with their email addresses can view the live stream. And after the live stream has ended, you can easily sync the email addresses you collected with places like MailChimp, Constant Contact, and many more, to reach your most loyal fans. It's a relief to have privacy already planned!

Now go forth! Go out and conquer the world! and share (or keep) your video content as you're needed!