Asana focuses upon its Creative Risks in its Video Campaigns

Dec 3, 2023

Asana is director of Brand Marketing, Matt Maynard believes that bringing about a memorable experience can be an entrance point to the subject matter of the company and the system used to control the work process could accomplish all things. "There are certain situations or scenarios that you'd like the images of your organization to be able to connect with."

The goal of the campaign was to make future buyers consider Asana as a solution rather than a reason for problems at work. This meant taking some bold risks in their approach to the Asana Asana business.

"We have a management system for workplaces. system. The workplace isn't a threat for staff... therefore it was important to get started in the early hours and make sure we think about how the tiniest concerns could be addressed," clarifies Morgan Keys the Director of Art for Asana. The team that created the brand.

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Name of the project "Tame Your Work Worries" | Asana
Stakeholders Matt Maynard, Head of Brand MarketingMorgan Keys Artist Director Brand Creative
The objectives of the campaign The Asana team needed of a plan for marketing that made the most of categories' beginning point. It also increased the perceived impact of the Asana brand. "Tame Your Work Worries" was a video-based campaign developed to help individuals to see Asana as a means to take control of the work you do. The aim of the campaign was to encourage the idea of soothing stress over the Saturday Scaries by portraying the pressures of working as tiny CG monsters that cause chaos throughout the workplace as well as personal spaces including public spaces.
Goals Recognition of the brand will grow and availability to the public * Assist Asana to be the primary access point for the class. Create a challenging video marketing campaign that can be helpful and accessible to the public.
Resource Asana has made sure they keep their creative team as small as is possible. Asana will also be working with Omelet the Los Angeles marketing agency, Omelet, with the intention to expand the idea and developing further.

The group of creatives worked with a Toronto-based production company known as Skin and Bones for the development of real-world visual effects. The team also collaborated with French video effects business Mathematic which renders 3D models to help create CG characters that come that come to come to.

Asana employed their own method of management for managing projects. They also use Integrations to make sure that their projects are organized as well as secure, reliable and efficient.
Key lessons The mental availability for the individual's mental health is vital.
You must ensure that you're taking risky steps with your creativity.
Improve efficiency and increase clarity through collaboration

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