Artistic passive income The CreativeMindClass Blog

Aug 6, 2022

Passive income, a method that works while you sleep? -- Yes, please!

You've heard about passive income. It's a method of earning money when well, you don't. Passive income is a mythical creature who lives in the depths of the dark fairy forest. We heard of the brave artists who dared to go into the woods and ended up getting lost along the way.

Regardless of how mystical the idea of passive income may seem to be that it's something everyone wants. It is the question of how to do it and change the ending of the tale to an optimistic resolution.

 We, at CreativeMindClass, believe that it is fundamental for artists who wish to teach online to delegate the technical aspects of their projects. The idea of creating a business that can provide an income stream that is passive can be a viable option for creatives. Find out the steps to follow.

There was never a better time for artists to reach their highest income levels

There has never been a more ideal moment for artists to achieve the highest levels of income.

"Do the things you love to do and you'll never have a single day off during your lifetime" Okay however, how can you do it?

For the last two years, I've examined how artists work very hard working at what they enjoy every day. Artists today disrupt the market online by their creative ideas and make significant money doing it. There was never a better opportunity for artists to reach the highest earnings levels while working on projects for clients while diversifying their income sources , and creating an income that is passive.

  - Joanna Paplinski, CreativeMindClass Co-founder and Head of Design

Do not fall for the short-sighted trap. Minimizing one-time projects

A few artists are like worker bees, devoting their time in one-off projects, but failing to create recurring sources of income. It's kind of an unending cycle. It's a vicious circle. come easy to us. There's always a new project, another artwork, another client, another exhibition...

Working this way is fun however, at some moment, when we are tired, we realize that there must be other ways of earning money, and we begin searching for alternative income sources. We are looking to create something steady and lasting. Something that would let us have more time to ourselves as well as our family members. It is time for all those hours of hard work to be paid back.

The secret to launching a successful company

What exactly is delegation and the reason you should begin doing it (best today)?

In plain terms, delegating involves having someone else do some of your work on your behalf. Delegating used to start from the personal assistant. However, these days, it will probably be a particular kind of service designed to ease your burden.

Starting from scratch creates creators' professional life harder

A trap awaiting some artists is their love of creating things entirely from scratch. Some love to mix their own paints, while others purchase ready colors from a store and make it easier to mix them creating artwork (and money) in the same way. still mixes and mixes...

Are you able to see what we're trying to accomplish with this? It is, of course amusement to delight when you mix your color, but we're talking here about elevating your company into a different level, the next level, so certain decisions must be made. You cannot get to a higher level as a business owner if you are spending your time doing basic actions that someone else is able to do for you.

A pre-built solution

A pre-built solution. The gateway to your most ideas

Ready solutions or pre-built solutions let you do the things you truly love, and let the rest go to other people. It's all about the magic when you have a ready-to-use solution that allows you to realize your more sophisticated business plans and adventurous dreams. You've always wanted to have, but there was never a good chance to take them further.

In the present information technology age, it's more simple than ever before to see your goals come true. Ready solutions serve as a gateway to something that you would probably never achieve by yourself because of the lack of resources like equipment, knowledge or funds. Or because there is just not enough time for everything.

Delegation mix and match Your unique artwork with ready tech solutions

Please don't take our word for that; we base our philosophies (and this piece) on years of reading business-related books and articles that have helped us in bringing our dream idea (CreativeMindClass Teaching Platform) to fruition. Most of them say the same thing time and repeatedly, so optimize your working process and DELEGATE. This way, you can be focused on improving your craft while other tasks are completed for you.

Using technical platforms as a way of giving away

Artists that want to produce and earn money on the internet usually have their hands full. We decided to build a technical solution for those who would like to impart their talents via the web. It's essential for individuals who want to instruct via video online classes. This allows them to outsource the technical aspect of the project, creating the business in this manner that brings them a passive source of revenue.

Some creative entrepreneurs also delegate. Including CreativeMindClass

While building our CreativeMindClass teaching platform, we realized quickly - We cannot be able to do everything. The delegating process began starting on day one (OK it was day two but we'd do it since the first day ;) ). Since we are a relatively small group developing a portal with a huge size, we wanted to utilize a set of solutions to keep the high quality of our users, save time and give attention to the parts of the project that nobody else but us could take care of.

Our teaching platform is a solution which we developed and created by ourselves. Despite the fact that "custom" and "personal" are our favorite words, we will never succeed without using ready solutions. To guarantee the top standard of our learning solution We partner with companies and individuals who are aware of our goals and who share our principles; artists from the local area, talented freelance programmers, and players like Amazon, Stripe, MailChimp, BeeFree, or Ghost.

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