Art and fiber - The CreativeMindClass Blog

Aug 6, 2022

The fiber-artist Amanda Adams

I'm a fiber artist and illustrator who is based in Baltimore. I came to Baltimore in order in order to attend MICA, the Maryland Institute College of Art (MICA) which is where Nicole Mueller and I met and began to become friends. It was before that we started Beyond the Studio. Beyond the Studio podcast together. Since the beginning of the year I've worked hard to build my art-related business, a small one Close Call Studio where I work full time.

Fiber art by Amanda Adams. Mushrooms.
Wall mushrooms

How would you describe the style you prefer?

My style of art-making whether it's sewing, drawing or whatever is unselfconscious and meant to delight and inspire people. My style can be moody or explicit and some of my pieces can seem a bit dark but there's always an element of comedy and playfulness involved.

Felt art by Amanda Adams. Home cleaning objects.
Made up of felt models of different things around Amanda's home. #closecallhomeseries

What are the keys to making your art?

It varies from season year, however having an attitude of "no pressure" at the drawing table is fundamental to me at the moment. I've always put a great deal of pressure on myself that didn't show effectively in my professional or personal living. Therefore, allowing space for rest and gardening are just as imperative to my process when I sit down to draw.

An Illustration by Amanda Adams. A coloring book with colored pencils on a table.
Close Call Coloring Book

Follow my personal work on Instagram and also listen to Beyond the Studio on iTunes, Spotify, or wherever you listen to podcasts!

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