An in-depth look of WordPress Automated Updates

Jun 1, 2022
wordpress automatic updates
  1. Database tables, backup files backup files, as well as database tables
  2. Disable plugins
  3. Update
  4. Allow plugins one at a time.
  5. Go to the website

It can be an exhausting task for a single website it could also be a frustrating and complex job for those that have to update up to ten, five or even many more sites.

To improve the installation security and to simplify administration of the site simpler, WordPress 3.7 introduced automatic updates. By default, this cool feature is only available on minor releases (i.e. maintenance and security releases) as well as translations files, however it is also possible to modify any kind of update. This is why, in this article, we'll look at ways to automate the process of upgrading whenever a new version of WordPress themes, core or plugins are released. So, let's get into WordPress automated update!

WordPress automatic updates
WordPress automatic updates

Automatic Updates Index

WordPress Automatic Updates

There are four different types of updates and WordPress automatic updates:

  1.  Core Updates
  2. Plugin updates
  3. Theme modifications
  4. Translation files updates

Core updates are split into three sub-types of a sub-typology

  1. Development Core (only made available to developers upon installation for development)
  2. Small update to the core (maintenance and security) is disabled as a default feature on stable versions.
  3. Big update to the core

WordPress can be automated to handle the update process to any of these types providing the two wp-config.php constants and numerous API filters.

the Control of Background Updates through wp-config.php

WordPress includes a variety of wp-config.php constants that let us manage automatic updates. Setting AUTOMATIC_UPDATER_DISABLED to true will disable any kind of automatic upgrade:


WP_AUTO_UPDATE_CORE allows us to handle essential updates (minor minor, major, and even development release). This constant is defined as follows:

# Disables all core updates: define( 'WP_AUTO_UPDATE_CORE', false ); # Enables all core updates, including minor and major: define( 'WP_AUTO_UPDATE_CORE', true ); # Enables minor updates: define( 'WP_AUTO_UPDATE_CORE', 'minor' ); 

For development environments, WP_AUTO_UPDATE_CORE is enabled to true. On stable installations, the default is set to minor.

For the sake of completeness In order to be complete, I'll add a second constant which is able to be set to turn off automatic updates. However, setting this to true, it will block all modifications to files including the installation of themes or plugins and manual updates.

define( 'DISALLOW_FILE_MODS', true );

It's better to set the disallow_FILE_EDITS constant. It will disable the file editor while maintaining functionality for installation and updates.

Controlling Background Updates via API Filters

The configuration constants are a common option to deactivate or turn on automatic updates. However, WordPress provides a number of options to give the user more control over every type of update.

/wp-contentCodex Document.

First, returning true through the automatic_updater_disabled filter has the same effect as defining the AUTOMATIC_UPDATER_DISABLED constant to true in wp-config.php:

add_filter( 'automatic_updater_disabled', '__return_true' );

It is possible to control updates with the auto_update_$type filters which enable or deactivate updates according to the value of $type ('core", "plugin' theme', or "translation").

Therefore, we are able to make sure that all updates to the core are automated when we get a positive result from our auto_update_core filter:

add_filter( 'auto_update_core', '__return_true' );

In the following example in the next example, we're making automatic updates to themes, plugins, as well as translations:

add_filter( 'auto_update_theme', '__return_true' ); add_filter( 'auto_update_plugin', '__return_true' ); add_filter( 'auto_update_translation', '__return_true' );

In the above examples, we've only activated auto-updates. However, these filters allow users to use the power to regulate updates. In this case, we'll automate auto-updates on two specific plugins:

function cb_auto_update_plugins ( $update, $item ) $plugins = array ( 'hello', 'akismet' ); if ( in_array( $item->slug, $plugins ) ) // update plugin return true; else // use default settings return $update; add_filter( 'auto_update_plugin', 'cb_auto_update_plugins', 10, 2 ); 

Callback functions keep two argumentsin mind:

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  1. "$update" A boolean that decides whether or notto update;
  2. Item This is the update-offer object.

This test determines whether the object to be changed is located in the $plugins array. If so then it returns either the value true or false.

In the final, we are able to make difference between major and minor updates using the filtering method of making either true false or false the following filters:

add_filter( 'allow_dev_auto_core_updates', '__return_false' ); add_filter( 'allow_minor_auto_core_updates', '__return_true' ); add_filter( 'allow_major_auto_core_updates', '__return_true' ); 

There are times when an update could fail. The worst-case scenario is that your website could go completely out of operation following an upgrade failure. We can, however, ask WordPress to inform us via an email after any update (or try to notify us).

Result, Notification and email debugging

Based on the outcome of the update process, WordPress is able to forward an email to the administrator's email address:

  • an email result is sent out following an automatic update to the base
  • An email notification will be sent out in the event that WordPress was unable to run an automatic update;
  • an email for debugging could be sent to programmers in the latest version of WordPress.

When an auto-update fails or does not work, WordPress sends a result or notification email on one of the following topics:

  • Your site is now from WordPress XXX to HTML0 (case failure)

The auto_core_update_send_email filter controls result and notification emails. These emails can be disabled by returning false such as:

apply_filters( 'auto_core_update_send_email', '__return_false' );

In particular, if you intend to extend automatic updates to the main theme, the plugin and core versions, you may prefer to leave result and notification email notifications enabled. You can also customize your emails based on the result or update's typology. As an example, WordPress doesn't email the results email in the case that an update succeeds:

function cb_auto_core_update_send_email ( $send, $type, $core_update, $result ) if ( !empty( $type ) && $type == 'success' ) // don't send email return false; // use default settings return $send; } add_filter( 'auto_core_update_send_email', 'cb_auto_core_update_send_email', 10, 4 ); 

Callback functions keep these arguments in the back of your head:

  • The $send could be described as a boolean , which determines the appropriateness of sending an email. send an email message or to send a notice;
  • $type is a number that defines the type of email to be used (success failure, critical);
  • The core_update is the update-offer object.
  • The $result is the output from the change to the base (can be a WP_Error).

Administrators aren't notified that an upgrade request sent to features a certain setting and the installed cannot upgrade. This notification email can be only sent out after each update. The send_core_update_notification_email filter allows some discretion in wether and when to send this kind of notifications. The filter can be used in the following manner:

apply_filters( 'send_core_update_notification_email', '__return_true' );

Finally, the automatic_updates_send_debug_email filter controls debugging emails, which provide useful log information concerning the performed updates. The default is that these emails are sent out to WordPress development versions. False can stop WordPress from sending debug emails and returning true will enable this feature for stable versions:

apply_filters( 'automatic_updates_send_debug_email', '__return_true' );

What is the best timing and the best reason to turn off WordPress's Automatic Updates?

The auto-updating process is a great feature to many users as they can reduce the time as well as energy.
    While it may appear to be that auto-updates are secure it's important to think about whether it's beneficial to permit every one of them.

At times, we might have issues with themes or plugins, which could cause disruptions to some functions or completely cause the website to fail. If your site is dependent on numerous plugins, it may be more beneficial to do a manual update, at the very least for plugins. Updates that are one-by-one allow us to quickly detect issues that automation could make difficult to identify.

If you're also a developer, you need be aware of the names you select for your themes and plugins even if you're not planning to publish them. As you update your plugins, WordPress searches the Plugin Directory to see the latest versions of the plugins. It replaces your plugins when a plugin that has identical name is discovered. If you're thinking of make background updates available for your themes or plugins, be certain to create distinct names for your scripts.

Yes, there's lots of useful information for developers. However, how does an individual user who is not a developer manage the auto-updates?

The Control WordPress Automatic Updates with WordPress plugins

If you're not a developer then you are able to control WordPress automated updates using the plugin.

Easy Updates Manager - manage WordPress automatic updates
Easy Updates Manager
WP Rollback
WP Rollback

If you're looking to determine the functionality of auto-updates in your WordPress configuration, Background Update Tester will provide the data you require.

Automated Updates for Premium Themes and Plugins.

If you're the creator for premium WordPress themes, or plugins it is your responsibility to incorporate an automatic updates feature into your plugins or themes to ensure a smooth update experience customers can expect using products. It's now a market standard (for the best reason). You can host any top-quality products you need and create an update system or utilize platforms like Freemius, Kernl and WP Updates which have secure repositories as well as automatic updates through an integrated subscription.


WordPress automatic updates are fantastic feature that can bring about a significant improvement in time and energy, and also help us maintain our site regularly. Do you think you can allow every type of update? Please let us know in the comments section in the following.

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