A LinkedIn expert will show you how to be a bit more creative in your B2B marketing

Jan 14, 2024

4 B2B marketing ideas to beat your competitors

Haley claims that these ideas will make a significant improvement on your sales and marketing.

1. The 95-5 rule

Within the world of brand advertising the rule 95-5 refers to the 95 percent out-of-market category buyers that don't need to spend the money in addition to the 5% of customers in the market category that have the potential to make a purchase. This is why advertisements tend to target people who aren't in a position to buy today. To increase the demand, advertisers should employ branding in order to attract buyers who aren't yet in the market today, so that when they eventually do enter markets they will see your company as well-established with the ability to meet their requirements.

"The best ads never fade, they wear into. They remain on our minds for long periods of time, creating memories that are able to be a part of us even beyond the time." Haley Pierce, Marketing Engagement Lead at The B2B Institute at LinkedIn

2. Awareness of the situation

The majority of people will remember certain brand names more than others, depending on what they experience when looking for a product. To become more famous, your business has to be connected to key buying situations.
  You must be prudent when you are evaluating the conditions. Link your company's image to those buying scenarios that are as relevant as you can. It's not all to do with what people think of your brand but when they imagine the image.

"People remember great ads. The interesting fact is that memory doesn't exist independently of the context because memories are intrinsically context-dependent." Haley Pierce, Marketing Engagement Lead Haley Pierce, Marketing Engagement Lead B2B Institute at LinkedIn

3. The product delusion

A majority of B2B advertisements we see concentrate on positive results. It's known as product illusion and it doesn't always work. A lot of times the best product does not have the highest-end features. A good product is that is already used by the customer. owns.
  This is why brand marketing is crucial because it is a way to sell. So, having a distinct and memorable brand is already part of the challenge.

"Because B2B buyers are risk cautious, they typically opt to the brands they are familiar with and feel comfortable with." Jann Martin Schwartz, founder and Director of The B2B Institute at LinkedIn

4. Reach maximalism

It's much more effective to get in touch with a million potential customers in one go instead of hitting 500,000 multiple times. In business that is B2B firm, this approach is much more efficient because the excessive amount of advertising can influence how effective the message is.
  It is advised to follow a maximist strategy for your marketing strategy, and concentrate on contacting as many category buyers as possible.

Reverse the B2B rules and increase sales

Haley believes that challenging the B2B marketing standard will help you improve your strategies for marketing and increase the amount of sales.
  The most important thing to be aware of is focusing on advertising your business to potential buyers that is still to decide. In this way you can ensure that when they're in the market to purchase, you will be the name they'd prefer to buy from.

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