A guide to creating databases using Postgres - (r)

Jan 12, 2024


This tutorial teaches you how to create tables, databases and databases as well as delete databases in Postgres. Additionally, it offers directions on how to complete similar tasks with a management tool for databases like the Administrator.

Getting Started with Postgres

Before starting, make sure that you've got Postgres operating on your computer. If you don't have it, download the necessary file and follow the instructions for installation.

Be aware that these commands are illustrated using macOS but they'll work on any OS.

After Postgres is installed, run the following command from your terminal to ensure the system is running smoothly.

postgres -V

This command should return the version number associated with your Postgres installation.

The Postgres version number
These are the Postgres versions numbers.

How to Connect PostgreSQL Database Server

You've now set up Postgres on your PC and are ready to build databases. Which is the most efficient way to connect to your database? That's where you can use the Postgres Interactive Terminal, commonly known as Psql, could be of help. Psql is an interface for terminals to Postgres which allows users to submit queries to Postgres and view the results of queries.

After installation, Postgres creates a default superuser on the OS (OS) that has absolute access to the database. Sign in to the psql console as the default superuser using this command:

psql postgres

After you've run this command, you'll see the terminal change into postgres=# which means you're logged in as the default superuser.

One of the most significant benefits that you can enjoy from psql is the meta-commands. This powerful tool lets administrators manage databases such as connecting to databases or displaying tables, all without understanding the precise SQL commands.

In order to use a meta-command within Psql, you must begin by typing a backslash ( \) and then enter the command. These are just a few examples:

  • c -- connects you to a certain database.
  • "l" -- The list of databases accessible on the server.
  • dt shows every table in the database.

How Do I Create Postgres Databases

When it comes to databases, it's a great method to follow the principle of least privilege. You can do this by creating an account for a user with specific rights. But, in the interest of simplicity the following tutorial will show you how to build and maintain databases by using as the superuser default.

Beginning with it is necessary to execute the following meta-command in order to list all users of the Postgres server:


If you've not added any to your users before, you'll not see anything but the default superuser:

Users on the local Postgres server
Local users are on the Postgres server.

The default superuser could be displayed as Postgres or as the OS username, according to the configuration of your system.

The superuser by default has no password. But, to manage databases further, you can create an account password making use of the following command:


Enter your password when prompted and confirm it. Now, you're ready to build databases on the Postgres server. The syntax that is used to build the database is CREATE DBA Database (database Name).

Start with creating an online database known as sales:


Following appears following the creation of a database successfully:

Creating a Postgres database
Creating a Postgres database.

You can then make two additional databases for employees and employees using these commands:


Once you've done that, you've now created three databases on the Local Postgres server. To display all of your databases, use this meta-command

Databases on the local Postgres server
Databases hosted on the local Postgres server.

Three databases have been created! You can ignore the other one in the image since they are included in the Postgres setup default.

Now, you can access any data source. The meta-command for connecting with any database is "c".

Use the following command to connect to the sale database:

\c sales

The message will appear within your terminal

Connecting to a database
Connecting to databases.

After connecting with the database you're able to change to a different database from your server by using the exact command. In this case, starting with in the sales database, you can use the following commands in order to join the customer database:


Create Tables

For the first step, you'll need to make tables that will populate your database with data. The syntax for creating a table in Postgres has the following format:

CREATE TABLE ( , ,  ... ... );

Begin by connecting to your database for sales. database.

\c sales

Create the table products comprising three columns that can't be null ID of the product, product_name and the quantity of units sold:

CREATE TABLE products( Product ID INT NOT NULL, Product_name text not null,Quantity_sold INT not NULL);

You should expect to get an output like this if the operation is success:

Creating tables in a database
Databases can be created by creating tables.

Then, you can use the meta-command within this article to verify that you've made the table of product table:


The command shows every table in your database, in this case just one table. If you're connected to a sales database, you'll get the following results:

Tables in the sales database
The sales database is comprised of tables.

Create two tables in the employee database. The first table will list salaries, and the second lists the addresses. To create these tables use the following commands:

*c employeesCREATE TABLES salary( Employee_id INT NOT NULL,Name of employee TEXT not null, Employee_salary INT NOT NULL NOT NULL); CREATE TABLE address( Employee_id INT NOT NULL, employee_country Text not NULL,Employee_zipcode NOT NULL);

Make sure the tables you created are correct by running the "dt meta-command. This is the output you will see:

Tables in the employees database
Tables within the database of employees.

How Do I Delete Postgres Databases

Deleting a database is the same as creating one. The way to delete an existing database is "DROP DATABASE" Database-name>.

It is not necessary to connect to a specific database to remove it. So, if you want to delete the customers database, you are able to run this command on any database you're connected to:

Drop DATABASE customers

This screen should appear after successful deletion:

Deleting a Postgres database
Deleting a Postgres database.

You can confirm you are sure that your customer database has been deleted by listing the databases that are on your local Postgres server using the "l" meta-command.

Listing databases on the local Postgres server
Listing databases are hosted on the local Postgres server.

Controlling Postgres Database Operations With Administrator

In this stage, you've acquired the basic knowledge of Postgres through the creation of databases, making tables, as well as deleting databases with the Command Line.

It is also necessary to install an Adminer script in PHP for managing the database you have created using Adminer. Open your terminal once to start the built-in web server, which runs PHP files. Then, navigate to the place where you've placed the administrationer PHP files:

Cd path/to/Adminerer.php file

Then, you should begin the server by using the following command:


All you need to do is use the Adminer UI inside the web browser. Type the following address in your web browser: http://localhost:8000/

The Adminer User Interface (UI) is a part of your web browser:

Adminer home page UI
The home page for administrators UI.

For connecting to your regional Postgres server Follow these steps while you fill in the required fields on this page:

  1. Choose PostgreSQL from your System section.
  2. Server is required to be added to localhost.
  3. For the Username Enter the name of the superuser, for example "postgres," or the username of your Operating System on your computer.
  4. To create a Password Password For Password, enter the password that you have set for the superuser inside the "Create Databases" section.
  5. Don't leave your field Database field blank.

After successful authentication, you'll receive the list of databases that you've already created such as the ones below. If you're working with Windows there's a good chance that you will encounter an error that says, "None of the supported PHP extensions (PgSQL and PDO_PgSQL,) is accessible." If you encounter this, modify your php.ini file and permit the extensions.

Viewing Postgres databases on Adminer
Accessing Postgres databases using Adminer.

For a database to be created, simply click to Create Database link. Create Database link:

Creating a new database with Adminer
Set up a database by using Administrator.

Name your database and clients and then click save them. save button.

Then, verify that you've successfully created your database for your customer Database by clicking on the Server link. This is how:

Navigating to the local Postgres server
Connecting to Postgres Locally-based Postgres server locally.

You'll see the customer database in the meantime. Click the customers button to join it.

You can see that there are no tables within the database. Click to click the button that will create a table link to make an entirely new table. Its name is the Locations.

Creating a table in a database with Adminer
Create a table on the database with Adminer.

Input the correct columns that are in line with the photo below. Click to save. save button

The final step to creating a table in a database
Next step is to create an entry in databases.

It is feasible to connect the table inside your database client's database:

Confirmation message for creating a table
Confirmation message for creating an account.

Use the Server link again to view every database you have. You must tick the box for your customers. This checkbox allows you to delete the database of your customers. checking box for customers databases will allow you to click the drop button. Simply click to drop to wipe the database. The confirmation you receive will confirm the deletion of the database:

Confirmation message on deleting a database
The confirmation message when deleting a database.


Now you know how to set up databases, build tables in your database and delete the databases on your local Postgres server via by using the command line. In addition, you've discovered that it's simple to complete the above tasks making use of a database management software such as Administrator.

While these, and many other command line techniques of management of databases and tables are efficient, the Adminer simple point-and-click interface can make these jobs even simpler.

Jeremy Holcombe

Editor of Content and Marketing , WordPress Web Developer, as well as Content writer. Alongside everything that is related to WordPress I like the beach, golf, along with movies. Also, I'm tall and I have issues ;).

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