A guide for producers for recording and creating an educational programming

Feb 4, 2024

It's no secret that making online classes requires a huge amount of effort. This is an very long process, particularly when it comes to the creation of a variety of instructional videos. What is the best way to reduce the difficulty of developing courses and design? The art of telling stories Telling stories Elise London, our video expert, that assists us in the development of the online courses we offer internally in addition to marketing. London declares that the main thing to creating a memorable online course is the use of stories in the process of generating and sharing information.
    Identifying the main story behind the topic you are teaching organizing your content according to the method of telling a hero's story could make a big impression. The steps below are what that you must take in order to create programs, arrange and supervise the effective video-based education course. It comes with all of the necessary tools.

Jump ahead:

Pick the best subject you'll be able to present during the online class for which you're enrolled.

You don't have to develop the most original, creative concept to create your own online learning.
    Choose a topic that's getting more and more sought-after. Take note of the goals that you have set for yourself as well as the market will assist. Here's how:

Discover what's happening.

Utilize the tools for data analysis like Google Analytics to find high-performing ebooks. Maybe you've got an ebook with a certain subject that is performing very efficiently? Consider expanding it into a detailed video course.
    In addition, go through your mail for intriguing topics that you think people may like to learn more about. Similar surveys could be sent out to your social media (if you've built a strong user base using those accounts) in addition to other communities you're a part of.
    The aim is to find areas that students might have an interest in.

Don't go too deep. large.

    What should you be thinking about? Think about the feelings people feel in the face of the issue.
    To learn more, please reach out to:

  • Why is there confusion in trying to settle the issue?
  • Do you feel overwhelmed? Are you feeling overwhelmed? It is our job to assist you overcome the thoughts?

If you're thinking about streaming live, for example, there's plenty of information to questions that come out when you begin your first stream. The topic to talk about in class is "How you can create live streaming as easy to do to ensure that you do not get overwhelmed."

The name of the course

If you're thinking of the titles you'd like to use for your class consider the emotions your audience might have regarding the topic you're trying to tackle, and then include this in the title.

The style and design that the course is delivered online

Elise recommends using hero's journey for the development of this online training. This can be:

  • Students are able to assist with problems faced by students. Find these by responding to questions of students on the topics of their classes.
  • aids users to overcome obstacles and discover solutions for getting over the hurdles. The content is split into segments and the videos address a particular question.
  • leaving them with the prospect of adapting. Provide them with other tools, like checklists, templates and other templates that will assist students apply the ideas they have learnt.

Learn to identify the requirements of your pupils as well as questions to assist you with organizing and planning your training:

If you have questions, the issues you'd like to discuss might

Do not make assumptions. Follow these rules:

  • Explore Reddit along with Quora to discover the most frequently sought after.
  • Telephone calls and surveys to students seeking specific responses to their questions.
  • Answer calls from customers who call support or sales for answers to common queries.
  • Go through the pages in the index of Bestsellers on Amazon to gain a better knowledge of the problems they will face regarding education.

If you've hosted webcasts on this topic Then you can look over the questions that people have posed to guide the research.

The course's contents can be broken down into buckets

Woman recording herself with smartphone. Image reads, "Concept > modules > video lessons"

Take into consideration the concerns and concerns of individuals and divide the topic into narrative sections that build upon each other to allow your student to progress up the educational ladder of your child.

"Instead of using the phrase "We'll teach the fundamentals principles of Interactive Studio' (which is quite broad and is difficult to grasp) You can alternatively simply say "We're teaching intermediate beginners in advanced intermediate and advanced and advanced capabilities. This will help you identify whether the topic has relevance to the subject which will be covered in the three classes." Elise London, Senior content production manager

Set "disparate thoughts " into buckets. When you view it from a distance, it will appear less overwhelming."

A suggestion to organize your class

Be sure to outline your outline for class so that students can be accommodated throughout their education. The tendency is to overwhelm and make students confused due to the lure of information (a cognitive bias that assumes that your students know exactly the same thing as you have). You should review the layout of your lesson to ensure it is simple to comprehend for your students.

Make video recordings of lessons

  1. Be sure to address questions from your students which have to do with the subject as well as the appropriate videos that can assist with finding solutions.
  2. Respond to the questions with answers to the problems they're trying resolve.
  3. The details on the video has to be changed or added to additional resources which can aid students in making changes.

Video on Demand, which also includes scripts

pro tip

Script generator gif

Shooting your course video content

It will require tools

In order to have an environment that's productive and have a toolkit to produce to ensure high-quality production, you'll need these tools:

  • HTML0's cameras have microphones (two at a minimum) along with a three or four point kit to regulate the lighting.
  • Learn Management System (LMS). The software includes videos of the class that make it available to students. Examples are Teachable, Podia, and Kajabi.
  • . A video hosting platform that doesn't require advertisement to host editing or recording. Also, it lets you add interactive elements to educational videos and then integrates into your LMS.
  • Teleprompter. Screen device that displays animated text on the screen. It is a great tool for those using the screen for video recording.
  • Music pedal. It's an affordable and user-friendly keyboard that is able to change the direction of what is displayed on the screen.

What's the ideal video you can watch?

Elise suggests:

1. Beware of lighting sources that are overhead for example, fluorescent lamps.

These can cause dark shadows, which can be visible on your face. Lights from fluorescent bulbs may flash occasionally, creating an appearance of green, while altering the general visual appearance of your video.

2. Recording in complete darkness without sunlight

The lighting conditions in the natural environment can change over the course of the daylight hours. If you plan to shoot over a long duration, it's probable that the light won't be consistent, Elise warns. This is also an issue if you want to modify parts of your footage to other videos.

3. Set your cameras at different angles

The second camera can't "just provide a little spice" to the editing (which can be helpful regardless of whether you're writing scripts or having the capacity to do everything simultaneously) and also aid to keep the viewers' attention on the instructor's faces."
    "More importantly, a third camera could be utilized to hide cuts," Elise adds. "So should you don't want to show the entire content in a single image and you wish to conceal it, the best method is to cover the editing is through B-roll, or by cutting cameras."

4. A clear background and devoid of obstruction

Do not use bright colors including red, magenta and yellow because they reflect light and are eye-strainers for viewers. Choose neutral backgrounds such as dark blue grey or white. These colors are ideal for photographing and easy to see.

Recording your online video course

It's not an easy task and can cause a lot of stress. If you've invested the effort in planning and creating the course, recording shouldn't be an worry.

5. Always use the Teleprompter

Teleprompters can save you from having to deal with a freezing screen when trying to determine what the next step is.
    It makes recording easier and decreases editing time "it may also enable users to be able to concentrate on their camera while watching the screen on the teleprompter" The phrases of Elise.

6. Use a pedal which can change the music between slides

"Instead of using the keypad or electronic clicker which is visible to your fingers you could try using the music pedal and turning on the slides. This is actually the USB Bluetooth keyboard with a left and right. It doesn't need a keypad or keyboard for use."

The capability to edit videos is accessible anytime.

Reducing your footage to keep the quality intact, and make sure that viewers have a pleasant watching experience. Below are some helpful tips that can help:

7. Write your words as clear as you can.

8. Add B-roll to your plans to increase participation

Another method to spice boring video clips with the help of a talking head could be to rotate cameras frequently.
    In addition, you could add animations, graphics and videos. You can also incorporate slideshows of your own or stock videos to provide you with a pleasant learning experience that is enjoyable and entertaining.

9. Interactivity layer

  • Enjoy a build-your-own-learning path
  • Look through the hotspots of video to find more sources of information about the subject of education.
  • It's possible to skim subjects that are related to the subject (useful for creating a video onboarding for the work place)

Videos that include interactive elements can increase the engagement of viewers as well as improve retention. You can also assess your students' comprehension by designing video exams which contain interactive components.

Do you want to create your own online training course?

Online courses that you feel confident about presenting to your students may be summed into these instructions:

  • It's crucial to know what issue you're trying to resolve
  • The information must be integrated within a narrative
  • After that, you need organize the information so that it's easy to understand and understand.

Make sure you use the proper equipment that eases the burden of recording high-quality lessons, that offer enjoyable learning experience.

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