9 Secrets to Increase Participation in the 2022 Community

Aug 4, 2022

There's something magical about having the community filled with people who want to join in. What's the thing that kills that magic? posting something and then hearing crickets from your members.

Truth is that MOST communities could use better involvement from the community.

If you've created a community, you know how hard it is to keep users interested.

If you spend the time to plan effective community engagement strategies your job gets much easier.

The community's strength isn't determined by the size of it however, it is based by the level of members' involvement. and having a clearly defined strategy to increase engagement in your community all comes down to understanding your members' needs and desires the members of your community and asking amazing questions.

We'll walk you through 9 community engagement strategies you can try to get your customers more involved. We'll first address the question of what exactly is community engagement?

If you want more support for building your online community Join OUR Mighty Community for free as well as meet fellow new and well-established community owners! We'd love to meet you. Sign up at no cost!

        In this post...    

    What exactly is community engagement?

    Strategies to engage a community - 9 suggestions

      1. Ask great questions

      2. Make sure you diversify your content

      3. Design a brand new experience for members

      4. Moderate your community

      5. Create small groups

      6. Request member success stories

      7. Try live streaming

      8. Host an incredible occasion

      9. Request feedback from your friends and family.

    It's wrapped up

What is community engagement?

Community engagement is the amount of participation and interaction in your group that your community members participate in.

"Engagement" is an incredibly broad concept, and formulating a plan for community engagement could be a challenge. It is a good thing that we are able to divide the term in a variety of angles. Three community engagement ideas you can think about:


  •         How can your members interact with YOU?            
  •         How can you and your participants interact one the other?            
  •         What is the way your members interact with your content?            

When you look at it from these three angles, you can begin designing community engagement techniques that are best suited for each one.

If, for instance, you'd like to improve interactions with your followers You could begin commenting more on their posts. This will increase the engagement between them and you. On the flip side the other hand, this approach might not be a good way to increase engagement between members. There's a better way in that regard.

Once we've answered the question "what do you mean by community engagement?" we can look at some of the practical strategies you could employ to your web-based community.

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Tips for how to engage a community - 9 suggestions

We have compiled a series of community engagement strategies to help you explore how you will increase your engagement. One thing you should keep in mind here is that every community is different and some strategies are better suited to particular situations.

For those who want be aware of what you can expect from the lives of your group, don't not forget to check out the no-cost instruction in the Mighty Community !

Life of a community

There are many options worth exploring to find the most effective methods to engage with the members of your community online.

1. Ask great questions

    The number one secret to online community engagement

Community Engagement- Questions

If you're searching for the secret ingredient to unlocking online community engagement Here's how to do it.

Ask questions.

It could seem easy it's even counterintuitive but it's the kind of question that unlocks our very human need to share what we know or think and, in turn, increases the online community engagement.

While so many creators attempt to produce a plethora of content to tell their members and followers what they think, be amazed at what happens in the reverse of this equation.

You can ask them to tell you what they believe.

Check out the words that unlock. What can you do with these prompts to create fantastic questions for your audience?

community engagement- unlocking questions

If you want to sprinkle the magic pixie dust of questions on your community THIS week, we have some great news. We've written a guide of 1,000 Great Community Questions that you can utilize to boost the engagement of your community online. The guide is free for users of our Mighty Community, which is available for free... Also, there's no cost training provided by our founder, Gina Bianchini: The Art & Science of asking great questions.

However, before you skip off to download our terrifying guide on asking amazing questions These are the 10 best questions you can test today.

Here are 10 questions for community engagement you can steal RIGHT NOW!


  1.         What's the most important that you'd like to gain out of this group?            
  2.         If you were able to speed-forward one year from now, what's one skill that you'll improve because of this group?            
  3.         What is the best way to tell if you're getting the results you're looking for from this community?            
  4.         What's one post from our forum that triggered an emotion within you, over the last week?            
  5.         What valuable advice could you impart about this community with anyone who has recently joined?            
  6.         If you're overwhelmed or demotivated while you're trying to master a new skill, how do you deal with it?            
  7.         Do you like sprinting towards your goals or moving slower towards them? Explain.          
  8.         If you could get one famous or well-known figure join this community whom would it be?            
  9.         If this group has a song as its theme, what song would you choose?            
  10.          The  were able to bring the entire community together at any destination within the world, what would that be? And what would we do there?          

2. Change the content you are posting

If you've made your name on social media, it is likely that you are really skilled at something. Producing short video clips. Making your thoughts engaging texts of up to 240 characters. Making great pictures and adding filters.

It's not difficult to imagine you as a single-act performer in terms of content creation.

But the beauty of an amazing online community site is the fact that it provides you with many (oh sure - we called it a multitude) of options to expand how you engage your community.

An effective member engagement method is trying out different kinds of content. Have you heard of how people learn differently? Some people are visually-oriented learners. Others are auditory learners. Others are tactile. This may sound confusing however it is essentially that different types of content appeal to various people.

This is an advantage for the user!

That means you'll be able to draw on the diverse desires of your users through experimenting with different types of content. If you're curious about the types of content to consider, here's a few ideas based on the capabilities of the Mighty Network:


  • Discussion board postings.        
  • Photos and videos.        
  • Full-length articles.        
  • Polls and Q&As.        
  • Live stream.        
  • All-member chat.        
  • Online courses.        
  • Live events.        

    Here's what live streaming looks like in a Mighty Network!

livestream jess COMP

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3. Make a fresh member experience

Begin by starting off on the right track.

Winston Churchill said that... probably.

If members join a community, what do they find? Do they land in a stale forum with zero activity visible and there are no clues that will prompt them to join in the discussions?

cottonweed GIF lo

Or, do they discover a fantastic new member experience which helps them get involved in their new community. Do they get a dunk tank immersion into your identity, and feel like they've found the place they've always wanted to be without thinking about the possibility?

The awesome thing about a community platform like is the ability to fully automatize and tailor your members' experiences. You can decide what they receive, and the network will provide prompts to guide users through the process.

Magical new member experience

You can learn more about HTML0 in the following no-cost training in the Mighty Community.

4. Moderate your local community

It is crucial to provide your members a space for them to speak out through your website for community members. But you will also want to regulate what's being posted.

Moderation in your community can appear harsh, but not. Moderation is just another way to stay active and alert to what members of your community are up to in your community. When you've got proper moderation procedures put in place, it prevents the internet from being a source of trolling, and keeps an overall positive atmosphere throughout your neighborhood.

It makes people feel safe. And when people feel say that they are safe, they will engage.

Furthermore, as your group grows, you can actually transform your most engaged members turn into moderators. This will not only increase the engagement of members, but also builds trust and loyalty in your members for you as a leader.

Since at the end of the day, best community engagement strategies focus on giving your participants more opportunities to interact with each other and you.

5. Form small groups

An online community is a collection of individuals who come together for a common goal. But that doesn't mean everyone in your community is the same.

A great community engagement strategy is to form small groups out of your large member pool to better communicate with them. It is possible to have a group of members who are more invested than the rest or who have particular interests and objectives in addition to the common community goal.

profile images, events, chat

By creating smaller groups, you're able to allow these members to communicate with each other and you. In turn, by bringing individuals together, you're providing greater opportunities for people to make real connections to one another.

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6. Request member success stories

It doesn't matter what your community is based around people love to share their stories of success. Another effective method of engaging your members is to ask your members to share their stories of success using your product.

People can talk about that your community is amazing any time you like. However, hearing it through different people is always different. This isn't to say that the word you use isn't valuable. However, people place a lot of stake in customer reviews and stories.

If you're thinking about how this will help increase community engagement, think about this in two methods:


  • Connecting with members: Highlighting their' success stories will help you give back to people who support you. Highlighting their accomplishments can help build deeper connections between you and them.    
  • You've got evidence that your members' achievements stories highlight their achievements and promote your brand. The result is win-win. If you let others talk about you, it shows that they aren't just an integral part of your group, but they actually dig this too.    

Making the effort to shine the spotlight on others can be a fantastic way to create trust and boost the level of engagement. Who doesn't love knowing that the work they do helps others reach the goals they set for themselves?

7. Live streaming is a great option.

If you're looking for a way to give an element of excitement to your online community Try live streaming! This feature was added in the last year to all our  communities, and was quickly a huge success. Hosts loved the ability to surprise their members OR to schedule a time for a live stream.


If you've never gone live before, there are butterflies that are typical. Also, it's common to say "um" more than you'd likeor lose your train of thought.

It's what makes it so exciting to go live. It's REAL. Therefore, whether you do it in practice or just wing it doing it live, it's an excellent way to boost your community engagement. Remember to request your followers to join you as well as follow along in the comment section.

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8. Host an amazing event

While we're on the subject of community events, let's discuss the importance of events to your local community. If you've been to a great community event then you'll know what we're talking about. It doesn't matter if it's a stimulating debate on the purpose of existence or an amazing webinar that teaches you how to advance the game, events do it.


Try creating an event for your group. You can set a discussion topic or prep an event if you wish, but you'd also be amazed how much good things can be gleaned out of an open-ended gathering like an event like "Happy Hour" or "Co-Working Hour" ."

Do not overthink it. Start now and see what happens!

9. Ask your community for feedback

Do you know an effective community engagement method to find out what your members want? You can ask them!

In the center of every initiatives to engage with your community must be the desire to understand and provide the members' wishes and requirements. One way to do this is to ask them what those are. And if you're still unclear, ask for more explanation.

Additionally, you can transform asking for feedback into regular events to your group. Maybe once a month you hold office hours either via a Zoom meeting or a discussion board, and then review what's worked good and bad. Your members will have an environment that is safe and controlled to voice their concerns and thoughts with fellow members.

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Wrap it up


We've covered a bunch of strategies for engaging with your community today. However, remember that a community is nothing with its participants.

Whatever direction you decide to take to increase participation in your community ensure that your approach has the members' needs and desires as a top priority.

In case you're searching for an online platform to help to maximize the value of your social media community You should give it a try ! The platform has everything discussed in the previous paragraphs, and it's completely free to try.

Ready to start building communities?

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