7 Video Metrics You Should Know for 2021 and Beyond |

Oct 26, 2023

The world will be watching 3 trillion video minutes each month by the year 2021's close, which is five million years of video each month. This is roughly one million minutes of video per second. This is a huge amount of. With marketers generating greater video content, important measures of effectiveness in video have never been more important.

This goes beyond total number of views and expands the ways of understanding details of viewer journey. In this piece I'll go over the most important video metrics you'll want to look into to maximize your video's performance.

What are video metrics?

Video metrics are performance analytics that allow you to determine and assess the effect of your video. It provides you with important information about the effectiveness of your film overall. This can include things like the typical view duration and the percentage viewers who actually watched. Detailed video metrics can change how you have previously assessed the effectiveness of your videos.

Crucial video metrics and analytics to measure the performance

Video will make up seventy percent of mobile traffic in 2022. If you're able to achieve such a large percent, ensuring that your filtering strategy is successful beyond views is vital. It is important to have more data elements to be analyzed that determine your strategy for video. In this article, we'll review the key metrics you need to know that determine how audience perceives your video.

1. View Count

This has to be the standard measurement and it only scratches the surfaces. It will tell you the overall amount of how many instances your video was watched. The views of your viewers determine the total reach of the video. If your goal is to raise awareness, then appeal to an enormous audience, this is your gold benchmark.

One thing to be aware of when it comes to view count is the way views counted based on which channel(s) that you're using. For example, on one video channel a view may be counted as 3 seconds, while on another channel, a view is counted at 30 seconds. You have to consider this especially when using multiple video mediums. Below are three tips to help boost your view count:

  1. Share your video on social media. Use a dedicated hashtag alongside to identify the video with your company's name. Choose to go organic or use social advertising that is paid.
  2. Send your video through email. If you already are on a mailing list fire off your video as a formal marketing campaign. Include CTAs to incentivize your audience to share the video with their social network.
  3. Find relevant influencers. Seek relevant influencer partnerships. Let them promote your video in general posts or in stories, to expose your brand's name to their followers.

2. Audience retention

The retention of an audience is the normal percent of the video is watched by viewers. If the first few seconds of your video have a weak start with viewer drop offs, audience retention takes an adversity. For this to be put into figures, let's assume you've just posted a video that's eight minutes in length. If your viewers view the video for an average of 4 minutes, then your Audience Retention for that video is 50percent.

To help with retention, start your video with a good hook that draws your viewers into. An effective hook will grab your audience's attention instantly, which makes them want to continue watching. Here are some examples of the different kinds of hooks work:

  • Standard Teaser. You've seen this many times, with hooks such as: "And later in this video, I'll teach you how to lose 10 pounds in a week".
  • Sneak Peak Start off. The video should begin with a mix of important events that will be revealed at a certain moment later in the video without giving the details too easily. Think of how you watch an episode of a television film or show.
  • A clear and upfront benefit. This is a straightforward hook commonly used for tutorials "In this tutorial, we'll be taught how to create your own candle."

3. Impressions

Videos impressions occur when an image appears on the screen of a person's computer, typically as an ad. Sometimes, they're not an action-based metric and are calculated by visitors simply seeing the video display.

If your goals are to make use of your video for an ad campaign, then you'll have to pay attention to the impact metrics. Below are some of the ways you can analyze the metrics that measure the effectiveness of video campaigns:

  • Review the number of times the pay-per click video ads appeared for search queries
  • See how frequent ads for videos appear on social media.
  • Analyze metric data from the use of websites that are third party like Pinterest or Google.

4. Click through rate (CTR)

The majority of us imagine email marketing whenever we hear about click-through rates (CTR). In the case of videos, a CTR is the proportion of viewers that click on the call-to action button in the video's the video.

A video's CTR gives you a clear indication of how successful your video has been in enticing viewers to take action. Your call to action must be relevant to the content in terms of topic, tone, look and feel. If the call to action is out of place, it won't be received well by your viewers. Here are a few suggestions on how to best use CTRs in your video content:

  • Create and position your CTA. Make it visually appealing so it is noticeable. You can even place your CTA at different points in your video. Once you have made enough adjustments, stick and see what is effective.
  • Concentrate on the engagement of your users first. If your metrics indicate drop offs prior to seeing the CTA then other work has to be done on content.
  • Write compelling CTA copy. It should be relevant to the video's content. What you don't want to do is confuse your audience.

5. Play at a high

If you wish to get a specific proportion of the audience you want to click the play button in your video, then play rate is the metric to watch. Play rates represent the percent of visitors to your site who clicked play and began watching your video.

This is an excellent measure of how relevant your content on video is the place where it's displayed and also how effective in entices viewers to watch. Marketo breaks down play rate in an easy formula:

 Play rate = % of those who clicked on and watched the video, divided in % of the total number of users who accessed the landing page.

6. Engagement Rate

Engagement metrics are generally the most sought-after and essential to measure. This is where you can get know how powerful your content is. This rate includes the typical view duration and proportion of your video people actually watch. This formula calculates engagement rates:

  • Engagement rate = total watch time/total number of video plays ( including replays)
  • Meet your audience's expectations. If a viewer expects to be informed or watch videos on how-to, and instead, is being sold at, chances are that they'll leave.
  • Get rid of the excess. Make sure your videos are short and to the point.
  • Identify peak engagement points. If there is a commonality as the times that viewers skip or completely stop, identify the reasons for this and make adjustments. C

If engagement levels are low at first, don't beat yourself up over this. Keep in mind the purpose of your video above anything else for it to grow in popularity over time.

7. Average view duration and finish time

Let's not forget the duration of your average viewing. This is the sum of the viewing time for your video multiplied by the number of times the video is played, which includes replays. The metric measures the ability of your video to hold the attention of viewers for the duration of the film. It is usually reported as the "watch time" report of your video solution and includes precise time timestamps.

Important YouTube metrics you should know

YouTube is the second-most used search engine on the planet in the world, just behind Google. What the YouTube video metricsshine are in regards to the insights of viewers, impressions and click-through rates. This article will provide insight into why these metric types are a must-measure to the smart youtube user.

  • Youtube provides a comprehensive dashboard that includes audience reports to know the demographic details of your viewership. Use this as a guide when creating and enhancing video content.
  • The impression of your video is recorded every when someone views the thumbnail for your video. Be sure that your thumbnail is appealing and pertinent to the content of your video.
  • When there is a high percentage of clicks, it's a great indicator that your thumbnail as well as keywords are effective. In the best case scenario, ensure that you regularly look over previous videos to see whether they share anything in common. This will help you determine what is and isn't working.

Important metrics to consider

  • Advanced video analytics can help you discern the behaviour of your viewers at any location and what devices they're using to view.
  • Explore your analytics and discover what your videos are doing to be found.

Video lead generation Set KPIs

  • Play rate target: Determine what a successful play rate will be for your video. If you use more than 1 video solution be aware that different platforms calculate the plat rate differently.
  • Conversion target: This is the percentage of viewers that become customers. It can be difficult to quantify, however the inclusion of a video on a landing page, A/B-testing CTA's may boost click-through rates so that you can get a better idea as to what works best. If your viewers are engaged with your content, they have a greater chance of converting to an actual customer.

Video metrics on social media to know

Video and social media go hand in hand. The metrics of video analytics in social media goes beyond likes and comments. Just like any other metric one must pay attention to what works to promote your business. Be aware of the goals you want to accomplish with the video on social media. Below are the most important social metrics to be familiar with:

  • Audience Reach:Reach measures how many people your advertisement was shown to. It alone can help you identify the possible amount of viewers. Though a huge audience could be beneficial however, it is effective when you measure it against other metrics similar to yours.
  • number of followers:Keep a close eye on your audience when you release the video. Make sure that your followers like, comment and share the content. Social media influence spreads in a blaze of fire and sharing your information will improve the ranking of your algorithm. This can lead to the growth of your followers. If you're not seeing growth every time you upload a new video, then a shift in content could be needed.
  • Engagement:This is a huge number. It reflects the level of engagement on social media about your content and brand. Are people having conversations about the content you post? Do they share your content as well as re-tweeting or commenting? Consider your goals using social media in relation to engagement. Determine the balance between generating interaction and sharing videos.

Closing around

There is a wealth of data in our possession. It's never been simpler to understand and measure the effect of videos. The variety and kinds of metrics can be overwhelming, remember to stick on the ones that are relevant to your needs. You won't resort to all metrics, but you should be willing to listen to what the data says.