7 Steps to mastering community Moderation

Jun 9, 2022

It would be wonderful to see every community as one that's safe and a pleasure to join. Imagine hosting hosts no longer worrying about conflict or trolling.

The real world of online communities can be a little... as well... filthy. That's fine! It's a good thing that with a few changes you could make that incredible environment where people can feel relaxed, sure that they're in the right spot, and prosper.

The key is in having an online communities that are controlled. That's exactly the way it works. If you're searching for the best way to control online groups and this is the perfect place to begin then you're in the best spot. In this article, we will discuss the motives behind the moderation of community groups and how you can implement the system into it.

And by being proactive and developing community moderation ahead of the time you're required to You've done the first step to create an environment that allows users to enjoy.

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     This is a piece...    

1. What exactly is community moderation?

2. Why are you requiring moderating community members?

3. How do you manage an online group (7 step)

3.1. Set community guidelines

3.2. It is important to inform individuals on the principles

3.3. Set the penalties for disruptive behaviour

3.4. Train and appoint admins

3.5. empower your entire community

3.6. Get involved

3.7. Maintain a track


What exactly is community moderation?

Moderation of community actions is monitoring the actions of the participants to ensure that it aligns to the rules. Moderators generally flag up posts, remove off the contents or inform the userand work with the individual who is breaking the rules.

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Why do you require the community to be moderated?

The world could look stunning for the entire world If everyone would just respect one another... every throughout the day.

Most people will! Sometimes, you'll encounter conflict. Some times, it's due to trolls that simply want to cause difficulties or even to target people. In some cases, even nice people can become caught up in disagreements and take it personal.

If you find that it occurs, when this happens, you need to know how to fix it and restore your community to the harmony it was before.

Below are a few reasons to encourage you to consider the possibilities of moderating your community.


  • Create a safe and secure space. The terms "safe space" are thrown around all often. The truth is that those who belong to the collective have the right to be secure there in any way, directly or indirectly, against violence or other assaults.
  • The requirement that members are accountable The members of your company should be aware that they must take responsibility for what they commit and what they say, and act according to the consequence.
  • Removal of trolls: Some behave like the wrecking ball. Their only goal is to cause chaos and harm anyone, no matter what the motive. It is crucial to eliminate Trolls so that you can protect the essential seed of friendship and trust that are growing in your neighborhood.

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How can you handle an online group? (7 steps)

Create guidelines for the community

One of the key elements of managing an online community is having specific, pertinent guidelines that everyone in the community is aware of. The guidelines inform members about issues such as the way members interact with one and what their requirements include when creating or sharing videos, as well as details on the community's business practices (e.g. how to claim a refund if you are unhappy with your participation to the community. ).

Guidelines are essential to create a common understanding of expectations. If you're interested in more information on the creation of guidelines for members of your community, click here. These guidelines that we developed for community members are available here.

Train people on the how to follow the rules

If you've created guidelines for your community and you want to make sure that all members know the guidelines. If someone who has violated a policy was not aware of it, you are still able to take action. But, the situation could get more complex.

Here are some best ways to teach your members the guidelines of your community.


  • Make use of the welcome sequence. This is the ideal time for members to know about the rules of your community the moment they join! Make sure to include a welcome sequence in your welcome message to inform them. Include videos that introduce the members. (When you create the Mighty Network that is brand new, Mighty Network it will prompt you to create the guidelines for your community and they will include them in the welcome sequence ).
  • You shouldn't be expecting people to stumble to your regulations. Keep them in mind frequently and have them readily available within your region to allow people to access them when they have a need for to use them.
  • Inform members of where to go to get the answers they need. The guidelines for community members don't have to be solely for one way roads. It is important that the members are aware of who to call if they would like to know more, have any questions or suggestions.
  • Make sure to refer them back to them whenever you think it is natural to refer back to the rules of your community. For instance, in conversations, you might begin by saying something like "Remember that we're here to make sure everyone has an opportunity to take part and that nobody has the sole right to dominate the discussion, as outlined in the guidelines for members of our community. ."

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Find out the consequences for misbehavior

Though it's unlikely to be something you be able to appreciate, it's important to ensure that the law is enforced when you suspect someone of breaking the laws. This is especially important in the event that a person has performed something that causes someone else be uncomfortable or feel uneasy.

When it's the time to act, it's easier to discipline the individual when you know in advance what the expected consequences will be.

You are able to choose the way you'd like to set this in the future, depending on what style you like. Certain communities have zero tolerance to certain conducts and they will remove people promptly. Others enforce the two or three strike process.

Also, you may want to establish different penalties in case of different relapses. As an example, those who violently harass and assault another user in the course of doing so are likely to get punished in a different manner in comparison to those who give the user a handful of copies of the linked Ray-Bans. According to the law, the penalizing should correspond to the offense.

In all matters, the decision lies with you to explain your obligations in a way that you feel confident with and ensure that your clients are in good hands.

Appoint and train admins

It's not necessary to implement the community's rules independently. Pick people from the community who share your beliefs and are able to interact with each other , then delegate the responsibility of moderator to them.

Learn about the rules and regulations with your friends. Find out their opinions on Community rules. Additionally, teach them how to deal with rule-breakers.

Do you have to pay the salary of moderators? Certain communities decide to compensate their moderators. If you live financially stable and is able to give moderators just one or two hours per week of their work can be a wonderful gesture. In the end, what they provide for your community will be invaluable. If you're only beginning you're likely to find that the top members will do this without charge. *

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The entire community needs to be encouraged to be

Moderators from the official team are crucial. But, moderation doesn't need to be solely focused upon top-down authority. The best practices in community moderation empower the whole community to build the most positive possible environment, a climate of moderation.

Below are some suggestions to help your members of the community to establish a pattern of moderateness.


  • The reporting procedures must be clearly defined  ensure that staff members are aware what they can do to report any infractions and to whom they must notify, and the procedure to deal with complaints.
  • If you spot that something is wrong, speak out like personal attacks or small-scale agressions which are not noticed by the people who suffer. Motivate your employees to stand and defend others whenever they sense that someone's getting an unfair way of being treated.
  • Be part of the comments of community members on guidelines for community members Don't make guidelines for your community. Instead, create an established set of guidelines which must be adhered to. Make them a live document. Ask for feedback often and make changes according to your needs.


The tough part is. Background checks aren't doing any good if you don't do anything once the guidelines you've established have been violated. This can be a challenge at times, especially when you're the one to take action against an employee, but it's important to ensure that you adhere to your guidelines that you've laid out.

When it's difficult and you're not sure how to handle it, be aware that the work you put into only one individual makes your group a safe area that is secure to many others.

Maintain a log

If you've taken the necessary action via the moderation process for community members, take note of your actions somewhere. You could include a copy of an offensive blog post or correspondence with someone who you've had to act against or remove. It's beneficial to know in the event that you're required to reference the person.


While we're discussing important issues in this post, it's essential to recognize that moderating community forums is a muscle that doesn't need to be stretched over and over again. There are many forum hosts that go on for years or even months with no serious moderating measures.

If there's any issue, you'll feel grateful that you've established these rules.

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