7 Challenges that Online Learning For Student (and Solutions)

Aug 25, 2022

The discussion will focus on the most significant challenges of online learning and possible solutions to these problems for a more engaging experience for students.

The COVID-19 pandemic has put the world at a standstill. The world was not changed as drastically as education as the virus spread. The education of students was abruptly stopped and schools were scrambling to find alternative ways to allow students to continue their education.

Then there was a clear solution: online learning.

According to Statista according to Statista, 38% parents said that the main problems with remote education is that their kids lack the motivation to pay attention and be engaged during class. A different study by Pew Research, 65% of students prefer in-person instruction to remote or hybrid learning choices.

This data shows the fact that online learning comes with drawbacks that both students and teachers alike must be aware of and work to overcome.

In this article, we'll discuss the biggest issues with online education and the possible solutions. This way, if you're a teacher, then you'll be able to assist students who are struggling. If you're a student You'll know what you need to do if you run into a difficult e-learning-related problem.

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7 of the biggest issues that students face when learning online

The following are the top seven problems of online learning for pupils (and teachers) as well as the best way to solve them.

Feelings of Isolation

Humansare by nature are social creatures. The majority of people enjoy interacting with others, especially in social settings. Although students are able to connect with their peers via Zoom as well as Google Meet, it is not the same as interactions in person.

It's not a surprise that students shut off their cameras and fall asleep during online classes. Not only does this foster indiscretion, but it can also cause pupils' academic performance to decline because teachers are unable to be able to personally address each student's specific needs.


There is a tendency to be angry when you're unable to speak to your teachers and classmates face to face and voice worries right away. However, there are things you can do to power through. Here are a few:

  • Check if your school has a student support system implemented. Some online schools include academic advisors as well as academic staff to guide students and provide support throughout the duration of their online classes.
  • Be sure to interact with your teacher and classmates during lectures in as many ways as you can. Answer questions in the correct moment, plan team projects, and have group discussions with your peers.

Lack of Motivation

Students who enroll in online classes are usually pumped and ready to go, but as the courses get more advanced, they realize that they're no longer motivated to even attend classes.

In the absence of face-to-face interaction, some students find it hard to concentrate in online classes. The physical absence of the teacher or other students erodes the feeling of the urgency and determination that students require to be in class on time, meet deadlines, and make progress. This could lead to the procrastination of students and lower grades.

Contrary to popular opinion, long texts, learning assignments and tests don't make a difference, and could cause students to lose enthusiasm to take classes.


The lack of motivation is a common issue amongst students. Here are some ways students can achieve a healthy balanced life and still be successful academically:

  • Create realistic short and long-term goals and plans to help students stay focused on courses, assignments, as well as projects. To-do lists are also important in ensuring that deadlines are met. Crossing activities off a to-do list can be highly motivating.
  • Students in need of guidance or assistance are able to look up websites or self-help guides.
  • Use positive affirmations to help you feel more confident. A short, positive speech to remind yourself that you're capable of achieving whatever you set your mind to do even in tough situations.
  • Make sure you interact with your teachers and fellow students as much as you are able. Connect to the class each day to view class discussions and course updates. You can ask questions, voice your views, and take part in healthy discussions. Participating in classes can provide a sense of belonging which keeps you inspired to go on.

The absence of technical Equipment

To take online classes and be successful in remote learning, students need a device with a strong connectivity to the internet that they are able to write assignments on, e.g. laptop, desktop computer or a tablet that has a keyboard.

These devices don't come at a bargain, especially for students.


  • Some schools give out equipment to students who can't pay for them. Therefore, if you're not able to purchase essential devices to attend online class, inquire with your school whether they offer laptops or tablets to remote students.
  • Use a library. In certain areas, public libraries have computers they let students use. If there is a library like this near you, make an effort to use the facility.
  • You can borrow from friends or family members. If these don't work out it is possible to ask family members or friends who have a laptop to lend you theirs for some time till you're able to get your own.

Technical Problems

Millennials or Gen Zs which is what they're known as are usually proficient using computers and technology. This doesn't mean they don't face technical issues occasionally. Learning with computers requires students to be able to operate several software applications, many of which have steep learning curves.

If a student who was experiencing difficulties with technology was at a physical location it is possible to ask for help with assistance from IT support. IT department. When online courses are offered, the student has to try to figure things out on their own. If they're lucky you'll find someone near in the vicinity to aid the student, however they won't have someone always available.

The technical issues don't just pertain to students, though. Teachers have to contend with low internet bandwidth, spotty reception and glitches with video as well as other issues. These problems disrupt the flow of learning and make learning tedious.


In order to reduce technical difficulties that students and teachers experience during online classes, here's an idea of what they can do:

  • When registering for an online class, students should check if they are able to access the necessary technology they need to be successful in their home. If they don't, they should check if they can get technical support from the school (via email, phone or live chat) for online students.
  • When attending online classes Teachers and students should use a high-quality Internet service provider (ISP) for fast connections. If they aren't connected to a reliable ISP at home, they could connect to free WiFi at an open library or cafes in the vicinity.

There, they can attend classes, join in group discussions, talk to their teachers and classmates and submit their homework.

  • Teachers must offer a complete instruction which includes technological times as well as digital literacy guidelines as well as online attendance rules.
  • Teachers need to record classes using their computers for students who couldn't make it to class.

Internet Distractions

Although the internet is an amazing resource can be to learn however, it comes with a ton of distractions.

Incessant updates from blogs, videos, as well as social media sites can distract students from their classes and assignments. Once they've been attracted by the notifications, it's simple to get them started browsing these sites without thinking about it.

It can lead them to overlook the fact that they are taking exams, classes, assignments or even exams.


In order to succeed in online classes You must be aware of things that can keep you from achieving your goals and prevent you from achieving your objectives. If you're lost in the web and social media sites, here are the steps you can take to stop it:

  • Switch on your social media blockers in the course of your exams or classes. Also, you can disable all notifications. Once you've completed your studies, you can go back online or do something else that's fun.
  • Let people know about your routine. In this way, should they observe you being distracted by technology, they can remind you to do what you planned to do the day before. Consider them as human alarm clocks.
  • Find a quiet place for your work. Even if it's night, doing your work in a peaceful space without your mobile phone (or other gadgets that aren't necessary) on hand will enable you to concentrate on your work.

To help students focus more during class There are a few things teachers can try:

  • Set up tests and tests that ask students to participate in a way that they can speak. Students who interact physically and mentalally during class and are not able to read blogs or social media.

Bad Time Management

It's not easy to handle every day activities, while also being a student. Learning online adds extra items to the student's agenda which can make it hard to navigate all these responsibilities.

Although online education provides students with incredible flexibility and the opportunity to engage in other tasks however, they must have a good understanding of time management for their jobs to be able to complete their assignments efficiently and effectively.


The ability to manage time is a crucial technique that can help students remain focused and well-organized. Students must master this skill to effectively manage their academic workload and have time for families, friends and other leisure activities. Below are a few strategies students can organize their schedule better

  • Try to multitask. Doing two (or more) things at once will save time, and guarantee that students are attending classes in time and will meet deadlines.
  • Create daily lists of things to do. It is not easy for everyone to multitask. Some people find doing several things at once can be stress-inducing. If you're not able to multitask effectively you should make a checklist and allocate times for every task. When you complete the task, mark it off the list. With time, this habit can boost your productivity overall.

If you find any issue with the student's schedule, you can give them personalized assistance and advice.

Disabilities and Special Needs

Some students may have problems with online classes due to issues with learning or other disabilities. Children with autism, dyslexia, poor vision, hearing impairment, and many other difficulties require extra care for academic success. And they can only get that in a physical class.


  • Include captions to the audio or video content for students with hearing impairments.
  • Voice-over description of text and images.
  • Offer alternative learning methods such as keyboard shortcuts to certain tasks.
  • Utilize AI-powered personal assistants designed for students who have special needs.


Surmonting the Problems of Online Class

Like most, if not everything in the world the online world has its upsides and downsides. Although it may be difficult trying to balance attending classes as well as working and socializing with other students, you must be aware of the things you can do to make your online education easier.

As you ask for assistance from family and friends Be sure to contact the online school you attend for help as well. If you're struggling discuss it with your classmates to see whether they're experiencing the same thing and what they're doing to cope.

Ask for help from your students and teachers. And if you're a instructor or advisor, you must be willing to support the students you teach and to create a conducive setting for learning.

If you're a student seek help, and adhere to the guidelines outlined in the previous paragraphs, you'll be able to navigate the challenges with online learning, stay on track, and achieve your goals.