5 types of membership sites Bonus Content that You Can Offer Your Members Rewards

May 12, 2022

Fortunately, rewarding members with bonuses can help your membership site be noticed. It can help increase your the value of membership, boost conversion as well as improve your site's reputation.

From online course content to e-books We've listed five kinds of bonus content that could bring your membership website to the higher level. Also, we'll talk about how providing extra material can benefit the members of your site and also your website. Let's get started!

The Reasons to Consider Rewards for Your Members With Bonus Content

Bonus content is something that's not part of your regular membership offerings. It could be exclusive deals, time-sensitive content, or special events. Furthermore, the material can include updates or additions of information already that you have on your website.

In addition, additional content could help your website gain an edge over your competitors. There are likely numerous similar websites in the same niche. It is possible to convince potential customers to choose your membership over your competitors by offering and promoting unique material.

Five Types of Membership Sites Bonus Content to Give Your Members

There's no limit to offering bonus content to your clients. Here are 5 suggestions for you to start!

1. E-Books

Some membership sites provide informational ebooks as part of the regularly scheduled membership content. But, nothing can stop the inclusion of e-books in bonuses, as well:

It is possible to offer your ebooks free or heavily discounted to your readers. You could also decide to release the material in advance to your readers before they are released to the population. So, they will be able to enjoy exclusivity for your content, and be reassured by the company you run.

It might sound intimidating creating an electronic book. However, the process is quite simple using an application such as Canva. The platform will organize your information and put it in a PDF format:

Alternately, you could publish your e-book via an authentic platform like Amazon. After that, Amazon members and readers new to the platform are able to access your content.

2. Webinars

Offering the occasional webinar to the readers of your site can bring value to your site's membership. This allows users to gain knowledge about particular topics as well as ask questions. They also feel as a part of an online community.

In fact, numerous business professionals offer webinars with targeted topics to the people they are presenting to:

In order to run an effective webinar, be sure that you choose an appropriate area and collaborate with professionals in the field to create the demonstration. If you want to make it a truly personal experience, you can end your session with a questions and answer segment. With these guidelines, your members will get engaged and learn from the learning experience.

3. Exclusive Interviews

Exclusive interviews are sessions recorded that feature professionals with relevance to your site's membership and its users. The ideal situation is that these interviews include content that isn't easily accessible elsewhere on the internet:

Offering exclusive interviews can increase the overall value of your website's membership. Your members can benefit from specific industry knowledge, without having to search the internet. Furthermore, conducting interviews is an excellent opportunity to network with experts in your field.

4. Discount Coupons

However, take care with the discounts you offer your users. Promoting affiliate links irrelevant to the membership model of your business could feel like overselling or a form of spamming your customers. We recommend partnering with companies that can offer value to your members.

5. Online Training

For example, if you run a writer's membership website, you could develop courses to enhance your writers' abilities:

Learning online can be easier for members of your group. They also help establish the authority of your organization on a certain area. Furthermore, giving your members exclusive access to your industry knowledge shows them their memberships have real significance.


The process of running a membership website isn't simple. You'll need to compete with other websites in your niche and persuade people to subscribe to the content you offer. It's a good thing that you can offer bonus content. could increase the value the memberships you offer and separate your company from the competition.

For a quick recap, here are five different types of bonus material that you could offer to your customers:

  1. E-books
  2. Webinars
  3. Exclusive interviews
  4. Discount codes
  5. Online courses

Do you have any questions concerning the provision of bonus content to your website for membership? Let us know in the comment section below!

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