5 persuasive copywriting techniques for better product pages

Jul 11, 2023

If you write the perfect content, you can convert people who are skeptical into satisfied clients. Here are five convincing copywriting strategies to make your pages more effective at converting customers.

The product you sell is up and running and visitors are coming to your website. So why aren't you making the sales you'd like to be?

It could be the fault of your product page copy.

A well-written copy could be the difference between a visitor hitting the "back" button or the "buy" option on your site.

Here are five of the most persuasive and effective copywriting strategies you can apply to convert your visitors into loyal customers.

1. Speak your customers' language

Your product page copy helps prospective customers to answer "Is this the correct product I need?"

But you can't answer that problem if you don't understand the people you want to reach.

Your customers expect you to get to know them and see them as people. 84% of customers claim that they are considered a person instead of an arbitrary number is essential in winning company.

A highly effective types of customer research is the voice of your customer research  which is gaining insight into the way your clients describe their requirements in their own words.

"If it appears to be copy, then the company is trying too hard and should be re-experiencing at least. So, that means take note of the feedback from clients. But, you should still have a bit of artfulness in there -- usually in headlines and crossheads.
But for the rest of the content that users should take in, it is important to hear the exact content they're reading... and then put that into copywriting frameworks and formulas."

In order to conduct a voice of the research on customers, you should read customer reviews about other products that are in your field. Review reviews will help you understand what your audience values in similar products, as well as the languages they speak in to speak about the product. Use that wording in your own copy.

It is also possible to search social media and online communities for ways to determine how your community is talking about your topic.

There's a chance you'll come across an entire subreddit group with over 46,000 members dedicated to homemade pasta.

Start by noting the most frequently asked questions as well as terms that you see in the community, especially for those who are new to the world of pasta production.

Once you do your voice of customer research implement it through mirroring your audience's voice on your pages for products.

This can also help the search engine optimization (SEO) If your writing uses your customers' language It's more likely that it will match their search queries and be displayed in result pages of search engines.

This same study on customer satisfaction will inform the customer what are their greatest concerns and possible objections are, which is why we're going to use our most convincing copywriting technique...

2. Recognize and override oppositions

Pro copywriter and founder of Copyblogger , Brian Clark, talks about why objection handling is vital:

"People think they can change the headline or changing the "buy now" button's color is the thing it is about conversion optimization. In reality, however, the real issue is that you're not offering enough assurance to a large sufficient number of potential customers.
Make sure you back up your assertions. Anticipate and eliminate objections. Reverse the danger."

The most frequently cited objections include:

Lack of budget:"This is too expensive."

Lack of trust: "I've never heard of this brand/creator/business. What can I do to determine whether this is genuine?"

Insufficient:"Do I really needto buy this? I'm not certain what this will do for me."

Lack of urgency: "This doesn't matter to me right now."

To overcome these objections, you must make the value proposition of your product clear throughout your sales page copy.

If the primary reason for the objection is lack of trust You can add evidence from the social world, such as testimonials and case studies to increase your credibility. (More on this subject later.)

If your customers aren't happy with price, they should focus on the products' value -- the benefits they stand to gain -instead of what it's going to cost them.

A great method to increase the level of your users' issues is by including a frequently asked inquiries (F.A.Q.) section below your product descriptions. You can address next steps, potential concerns, or any other concerns they might have.

As an instance For instance, the F.A.Q. to Mackenzie Children's Development for Developers course addresses a "lack of need" argument:

Mackenzie clearly lays out how anyone can learn from the course and why it's a good choice for those who are just beginning to learn about web design. If you're a prospective customer contemplating, "But I'm a developer and I'm not able to become a good designer," these F.A.Q.s put that concern put to rest.

In the same way, similarly, the Coding Course is intended meant for Losers (CIFL) course the course on Data Analysis The lazy Way includes an F.A.Q. focused on helping potential students feel confident about the purchase.

The money-back assurance and the guarantee that they will be open for office every week makes evident that CIFL values its students andstands in their products, two things that would make any prospective student feel at ease.

The site editor of's makes it easy for designers like Mackenzie and members of the CIFL team to include F.A.Q.s to their product pages.

Just go into the editor and click on the page that you wish to modify. Click the plus sign to add an additional section. Then, select "FAQs" on the left sidebar:

You can then include as many Q's and A's as you'd like.

We'll now look at the method that is slightly more subliminally.

3. Use mental triggers

Triggers are one of the sales tools that is used for "influencing by motivating and convincing the prospect to purchase". The idea was popularized across the sales and marketing industry by Joseph Sugarman in his book Triggers .

You might be thinking "Mind control? That sounds intense." However, thirty triggers Sugarman mentions in his book are more or less the basic psychology behind nearly every persuasive or marketing strategy.

As an example, raising objections and resolving are two causes Sugarman is able to cover:

"Resolving an objection is more than just a way to build confidence, inspire respect, and show your honesty. It helps resolve a dispute in the mind of the customer that needs to be resolved before completing the sale."

Some of the most powerful motivators in copywriting are about scarcity, exclusivity, and urgency. That's the fear of not being noticed (FOMO).

Scarcity is one of psychologist Dr. Robert Cialdini's universal principles of persuasion. Basically, people want more of the things they are able to have less of.

Furthermore, products that have restricted availability or invite-only deals make buyers feel special. When you give them a feeling of being special and special, they're more likely make a purchase.

That's why 89% of Americans say that an exclusive offer would increase their likelihood of shopping at a specific brand. 48% say the exclusive deal will make buyers buy more quickly.

If you manage an online training or membership site, use your copy of the product page to inform people that only a handful of spaces are still available.

For instance, health business coach Erin of Form + Flow explains that there are just a handful of spaces available for her website building workshop, The Space Camp :

What makes Erin's approach so effective is that she highlighted the scarcity and exclusivity of the workshop's enrollment.

Wageningen and Tilburg Universities' study on scarcity in products revealed that consumers chose to purchase the rare item instead of the more common due to the belief that those scarce products were more sought-after.

The urgency, which is specifically tied to time, can have a similar impact. The research shows that deals with limited duration can increase " anticipatory regret ," which drives people to buy things that they normally would not.

As an example, an research study by ConversionXL discovered that the addition of the countdown feature resulted in a 147% increase in conversions. So if you're closing course signups soon or having a special sale that is only available for a short period, make that clear in your copy to see increase in sales.

Another method for persuading draws on the readers their emotions. But this time, we're moving further up the page.

4. Your headline should be emotional

In his book of the same name, Breakthrough Advertising  the legendary copywriter Eugene Schwartz wrote:

"Your headline only has one purpose -- keep your visitor from reading and to entice him to read the second sentence of your ad.
Just like the first sentence that your second sentence does, it will only serve one function is to make him to read the third sentence in your ad. Third sentence- and every additional sentence in your ad -have exactly the same job."

Schwartz created print advertisements and sales messages, however his suggestions are applicable to product pages Create headlines that catch the reader's attention.

This is why: Research shows that readers on the internet scan for big ideas and headlines.

And as David Ogilvy  Another great in advertising stated, "Five times as many people will read your headline than did the body copy. When you have written your headline, you've invested eighty cents of your budget."

In order to make the most out of your headlines, you must to elicit emotion from your readers.

That's not to say that your headline has to be a tear-jerker or over-the-top declaration. The art of writing emotional headlines involves engaging with your readers and proving to them that you are aware of their issue and offer a practical solution.

This headline, for instance from Becky Mollenkamp's membership website, Gutsy Boss Club  strikes an emotional note by affirming the dreams of her members.

If I'm an owner who's feeling unsatisfied with my current situation, I see the headline above and realize, "You're right, I amready to go further. I'm feeling heard and valued. And it looks like this membership can help me gain the "more" I've been looking for."

A headline that appears on Natalie Sisson's home page is similar to the headline on Natalie Sisson's homepage:

Natalie clearly understands her audience's problems -- wanting more joy, money, and freedom -- and is able to validate those issues. She appears to be aware of the struggles her clients go through, which makes her solution all the more credible.

In the technical aspect that is the headline of Ryan of Signature Edits' Master Lightroom Classic course promises outcomes that will resonate with his audience:

Ryan's headline hints at a goal that many new photographers probably share: To channel their favorite photographers when they photography. This copy makes that goal seem achievable, especially in the event that you take his class.

If you're in need of some ideas, here are five traditional headline templates to get you started:

  1. Learn how to benefit and benefit from                                              Copy to clipboard

Example: Learn how to make connections and meet prospective customers

  1. Receive Benefits without pain point                                              Copy to clipboard

Example: Get fit without being required to pay for yet another gym

  1. Here is [methodto use] which will help you [benefit]                                              Copy the clipboard to your computer

Examples: Here is the sales-oriented email template to help to win customers over.

  1. Remove [pain point] one-for-all                                         Copy to clipboard

Example: Eliminate all your technical issues once and for all

  1. Find the [result] in the [time frameGet [result] in [time frame                                              Copy to clipboard

Example: Get a brand fresh website within 4 days

Our fifth and final persuasion technique is less about writing copy instead of framing it.

5. Create credibility by leveraging social proof

You can have the best copywriting skills in the game however, in a market where just a third of people believe in the companies they purchase from, you still need proof of your claims.

Social proof is the place where it comes in. The concept was invented by the psychologist Dr. Robert Cialdini in his well-known publication Influence , the concept of social proof implies that "we believe a behaviour is more correct in a given circumstance if we see others performing the same behavior".

That is, if you want to get people to commit to doing something -- like buy the course online, demonstrate to them that others have done it too.

In the case of marketers, using social proof can mean including comments and reviews into marketing material. When it comes to your website's product pages, those testimonials are a potent source of information:

92% of consumers review online and read customer testimonials or reviews before making purchasing.

Eighty percent of consumers consider online reviews to be as much as personal recommendations.

72% of consumers say that positive testimonials and reviews help them believe in the business more.

For example, Shalena D.I.V.A. offers testimonials on the product's page on her Monetize Your Facebook Group For example, Shalena D.I.V.A. includes testimonials on hermasterclass:

These reviews highlight the value of the Shalena's program and inform those interested in the course what they can expect to gain by signing up.

Social proof may be particularly beneficial for high-end products like expensive online courses and annual memberships. The research shows that the conversion rate increased by 380 percent when a higher-priced site's homepage included reviews.

Reviews show that Growable Shows is well worth the price as one of the top courses in its niche. If you're on the fence about signing up, testimonials like those of Dan could be a key to determining Jay's success.

All you have for is to launch the editor  and go to the product's page then click the plus symbol to create a new section:

After that, click "Testimonials" from the menu on the left:

From there, it's simple to include, style, and change the order of testimonials on your products pages.

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Increase sales by using powerful convincing copywriting

Utilizing the proper techniques and a little practice, you can make a website which converts potential customers into buyers.

For a recap the five most persuasive methods of copywriting to help you do just that:

Communicate with your clients in their languages. Conduct voice of customer research to find out how your target audience talks about their pain points and their goals. Then, incorporate the information into your content.

Recognize and override oppositions. The F.A.Q. section is a great area to discuss any concerns which could otherwise prevent buyers from purchasing.

Use psychological triggers like urgency and scarcity to keep people interested and make them want to buy A.S.A.P.

Create headlines that are emotional. The headlines must grab the attention of your readers and use language that resonates with your audience's struggles or aspirations.

Build credibility with social evidence. Add testimonials and reviews to your pages on products to highlight the positive results that previous customers are able to achieve.

In the end, at the conclusion of the day Good copy is about showing your audience you are able to understand their needs. When you've done that it, you'll be on the way to spreading information, getting to know many more clients, as well as generating sales.