3.0 The most powerful WordPress LMS Plugin

Sep 29, 2022

3.0 is much greater than an update. It's an entirely new format for online classes.

In the world of software there are updates as well as game-changers.

It's the second.

Many months of investigation designing designs, developing, and development - you now are able to use the latest online learning platform that is available on the marketplace. This is not just for WordPress as well it is applicable to the whole learning industry of e-learning.

3.0 (or 3.0 (or) It is a major transformation of the method by which the online courses are developed and taught. This is long overdue I am convinced.

It's almost impossible to speak about every feature which are brand new to 3D LD3 (and we all know that you'd rather visit and see the new features for yourself). Let me share some of the top new features!

Visually impressive courses that learners are sure to enjoy and which will give your business a professional and well-lit image.

It's true that you could have incredible course content but If the course's presentation is not great, that's really not something to worry about. Online course plugins along with the courses hosted on servers aren't very efficient (and often negligent) when it comes to this.

Or, the experience of visuals doesn't suffice or is just text, or it is not contributing to an engaging learning or learning experience.

Some templates are excessively busy. The templates are competing with the other elements of the site, and can become be distracting.

Both scenarios are lose-lose. Students have a poor educational experience. Your brand is ruined due to the absence of professionalism. If you're offering classes it could result in higher refund rates.

is LD3's solution for this delicate equilibrium.

We partnered with expert in instructional design 3.7Designs to bring you a course experience which is unique to any other.

The templates were created to make your content shine, and while helping to keep students engaged during the course.

The polished look of your appearance creates an impression of trustworthiness and enhances your image. What sets your course above the others is your summary of "little things" like:

  • Optimal course content display
  • Insightful and informative profiles
  • Clear navigation tracking
  • Multiple progress status points
  • Full success, information, and alerts to danger
  • Simple materials presentation

We've handled these (and numerous others) for your benefit!

Each visual component in LD3 is thoughtfully planned and designed. design so that both you and your students are benefited.

Note If you're currently using an older version of software, you may be able to enable the latest styles by going to settings > LMS and choosing an option to enable the 3.0 template.

It is time for our expectations regarding online education to rise. Focus Mode is the latest version. Focus Mode makes high the standard.

My entire professional life was in the area of online education. It's been exciting to observe the development of this field throughout the years. I am convinced that this new option will mark the beginning of a new era for teaching online.

Our investigation included every well-known course platform available, as well as hosted solutions such as Coursera and Teachable as well as various LMS WordPress plugins. We documented the things they were doing well and contrasted this with current trends in e-learning. In our research, we discovered an immense opportunity that's been missed by everyone.

Then what's the end result?

A unique virtual learning experience that's unrivalled in the globe of e-learning. The students will be thrilled (and this will help look truly good).

Presenting The Focus Mode!

Just by activating a single setting, you can enjoy a distraction-free user experience, which is stunning and simple to use. Focus Mode has been specifically designed to help increase both the rate of retention for students as well as rate of completion.

In light of the growing importance of learning through mobile devices in online education, we seized the chance to make sure that your lessons look the same on smartphones, giving students a uniform experience no matter how they access your content.

Learners can start your course using their laptops and continue where they left off with their mobile. Your course content will continue to be dazzling because from the Focus Mode delivery method.

It's much more than an optimal delivery of content, the experience for the user in Focus Mode is on another level. Students can enter and out into Focus Mode for an enjoyable and effortless learning experience.

The most important thing is that you can personalize everything so that it reflects your personal brand!

The course you choose to use is an extension of you as a company and we know this. We're certain that you'll be thrilled to hear that it's possible to personalize Focus Mode so that it can be the perfect match for your organization!

It includes content tables and progress bars, as well as courses navigation, profiles along with certificate downloads and many more!

Choose your favorite colors, upload a logo, then in a matter of minutes you'll get your personal education experience. No developer needed.

The focus was not just on learning, but also the steps involved in getting it from there to the classroom.

WordPress's WordPress plugin and the theme-based environment makes it a perfect platform for the online classroom. But, despite all the advantages of WordPress it does have some issues.

The most significant issue could be the registration process for users or their login. We've addressed the problem with LD3 with a better authentication and registration procedure. If you opt to make use of the registration and login features the users will experience the following scenarios:

A simple, easy process for logging onto your site (or enrolling) to take a class. The colors and logo will provide a consistent experience for users.

The learning experience for learners who have LD3 is at an entirely different level, and so is the creation of courses!

In the beginning of our LD3 Project, we contacted our clients to discuss the areas you believed could be improved by . Thanks to all of you who picked up the phone to talk with us!

We wanted the brand design to just be great. We wanted to make it the best, so we chose the most talented UX/UI designers available: 10up.

The feedback you provided was thought of and used to in the creation of the complete administrative experience .

Though the setting are being reorganized and revised with more current information, the largest changes come in the form of a quiz or course design procedure. We've rewritten our courses and quiz creators to ensure that they're not just the most advanced available, but also very simple to use.

HTML1Drag and Drop, and Move-on

The sleek interface of Course Builder LD3 will have you spinning-up courses in minutes. If you've never created an online course before the learning experience of course building will leave your feeling like an expert in only a couple of seconds!

Reuse Your Content

The only program that lets you reuse the content from your course. There is no need to move quizzes, lectures, or lessons into classes of other teachers. Choose what you would like to include and drag it onto the screen.

Create Topics, Lessons and Quizzes quickly

The course builder comes with a variety of layers. It allows you to increase the depth of the content of your courses unlike other platforms do not.

Partition Content of Courses into Sections

The course always has the subjects, lessons, along with tests. The LD3 course offers the opportunity to arrange your class by breaking your lessons up into segments.

The latest quiz engine has just gotten better!

The assessment is a key aspect of an online course. If your capacity to take quizzes is restricted, then also your learning. But what good are advanced options for quizzes when you're not sure the best way to use these settings?

The quiz's capabilities are in the top tier in and of themselves. However, your feedback pointed at the fact that using these capabilities should be made easier. The new quiz builder was the outcome of that feedback!

Drag & Drop Quiz Builder

When you've used this course maker, you will understand immediately how to utilize the quiz maker since its interface is precisely identical - drastically reducing the time spent learning!

 Reuse Questions in the Question Bank

Similar to the course builder which allows students to reuse their lessons The quiz maker allows you to reuse questions. But, if you'd prefer to create new questions there's no need to fret since we're here to help!

 Answer Questions Directly to the builder

You can now quickly add new questions and configure their settings within the builder! First you select your desired question type:

Once the type of question you'd like to inquire about is selected, the available settings will adjust so that you are able to start configuring the questions!

After you have completed your question After that, you can make sure to add some results-related messages before proceeding with the next step!

 Edit Questions Already Answered using ease

Do you want to alter something on one of your questions? Don't worry, the Quiz Builder will make this an easy task!

This is just scratching the surface...

There's plenty you can do with this test maker that you could easily write an entire piece about it by itself. The bottom-line is that it's a powerful and simple testing engine available to you!

We'd like to see you begin taking advantage of everything LD3 can offer in the shortest period of time. Our Bootcamp as well as our latest documents will aid you to achieve exactly the things you'd like!

In the LMS section OVERVIEW, under OVERVIEW, you can find the Bootcamp, quick and direct access to training videos and assistance articles so that you can get started!

Support is accessible within the program!

In the Bootcamp (which is able to be hidden in the event of a desire) there are helpful articles including news, information, and access to documents.

Within the documentation context...

One thing that's often forgotten during an update of this magnitude is the fact that in a matter of seconds all documentation is outdated. This process of updating everything is an massive job.

Personally, I have found the majority of manuals for software provide the poorest user experience. Many of them are all kinds of information piled on one page that has little or no style or. Even though LD3 is fantastic, I did not expect it to be a failure due to our help documents not at the same level as quality.

The impossible is not achievable without you!

We would not be here in the present if you did not choose to trust us and use the WordPress LMS service. I'm always amazed by your lessons and the theories they provide. Thank you so much for choosing us and for making your school what it is today!

Additionally, I want also take this opportunity to thank the wonderful people who have contributed to the LD3 project over these past months:

  • 10up is a top choice for their expertise in UI/UX
  • 3.7Designs are known for their distinctive (and absolutely amazing) designs
  • Dave Warfel for his amazing documentation
  • Joe Casabona who created the Bootcamp
  • Muhammad Muhsin for help in customizing further the future builders.
  • LD3 beta testers are helping us get LD3 prepared for launch
  • A shout-out is given to our core team of developers to thank them for their continued efforts and commitment.

Do you want to improve the quality of your online courses?

Have you never used the service? Why are you waiting? Join with us!

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