19 Cosplay Costumes to Crush It at the Conventions Blog

May 12, 2022

How to Make Cosplay Costumes

There's not a right or wrong way to make a costumes. No matter what your budget, timeline, and your skill degree, there's always going to be some cosplay ideas for you. The following costumes can be designed on a shoestring or even with funds from a budget.

The key is to do your best to achieve what you are comfortable with and having fun while doing it.


Caped crusaders are becoming increasingly fashionable due to the influx of Marvel and DC films. There are several classics that really leave an impression.

1. Spider-Man Cosplay

Spider-Man is an excellent cosplay option because of numerous variations of the costume, either from comics or films. Whichever era you decide on start with an morph suit, and then painting the details of your choice is a simple option.

2. Black Widow Cosplay

3. Wonder Woman Cosplay

There are many classic elements to complete an Wonder Woman costume: the black, red, and blue costume and her princess tiara and bracers, as well as the laso of the truth. Incorporating armor or a sword can be a great option to strengthen your costume muscles.

4. Iron Man Cosplay

Additionally, Iron Man has had many different costumes throughout his career. Therefore, it's possible to come up with your own concepts in regards to style.

5. Captain America Cosplay

6. Black Panther Cosplay

Black Panther cosplay is another scenario where wearing a morph suit could make a perfect choice. Then, you can add details by painting them onto or sewing them to the suit, which can be a useful option to fix the claws.

Remember: Black Panther is royalty. A formal attire along with the normal costume will provide the appearance of a Black Panther distinct taste.

Star Wars

There is no need to travel into the distant galaxy for a costume that resembles your favourite Star Wars characters. In comparison to superhero costumes that are popular, Star Wars cosplays are simpler to create using clothes you can find within your wardrobe.

7. Princess Leia Cosplay

If you're looking to be a little more adventurous you can make a "slave Leia" costume. One of the easiest ways to put together the outfit is to start by wearing a bikini's bottom, then add the golden details with EVA foam and metallic paint. It is important to keep a sweater nearby--convention centers can be quite frigid!

8. Jedi Cosplay

The lightsaber weapon from the Jedi can be another area in which it is possible to modify the persona. The handle can be made from EVA cardboard or foam can be a feasible alternative. If you're feeling more daring (and are skilled in craftsmanship skills) You can make the handle out of metal and then connect the electricity to connect it to the blade.

9. Darth Vader Cosplay

Darth Vader can be described as the most feared of cosplay costumes. Making the helmet, chestplate and the belt is a intricate process that is beyond even the capability that is EVA foam. There is a possibility of purchasing these pieces in a costume shop.

10. Rey Cosplay

Rey is a character from the upcoming Star Wars movies, became an instant success with cosplayers due to her great character. The costume of Rey is easy to create as it's made from cloth.

The pants and shirt can be altered using clothes that you have in your closet, and the arm coverings are able to be recreated using Ace bandages. In order to create the large piece that wraps on her shoulders, try experimenting with the use of dyes in a sheet of bed. Her staff is the mop's handle made of foam with foam components and fabric to be added. Pretty simple!

11. Han Solo Cosplay

The best place to get the details is inside the blaster and holster. Han's blaster is legendary - he shot first of all, after all--and recreating it from EVA foam is an incredibly fun job. You can make the holster from a couple additional belts, leftover leather, and scraps of leather.

12. Luke Skywalker Costume

As with Rey's costume costumes are easy. In the early films Luke was wearing a white short dress that could be pieced together with an bathrobe or scrub. Luke also went through his "moody Sith phase" when the actor wore complete black for the purpose of taking on Darth Vader. The glove was also black.

In the films that followed, his robe was made out of burlap, and it included a hood as as an extended tunic. His hair got longer and his face hair.

There are entire manuals written regarding Luke's lightsabers. Consequently it is recommended to find the best online reference before you dive in to the subject. Foam, cardboard, as well as metal can all be utilized to create lightsabers. However, you should take what is comfortable to you!

13. Grogu Cosplay

Design Your own costume!

 Learn to Make EVA Foam Armor for Cosplay

Lord of the Rings

If your goal is to deliver the One Ring into the fiery pit of Mount Doom, you can't walk out of the Shire wearing a suitable outfit.

14. Aragorn Cosplay

Aragon comes in two main styles: Strider's ranger outfit and King Aragorn's.

15. Legolas Cosplay

16. Arwen Cosplay

Arwen is Aragorn's one true love and, while there are some action sequences on the show She is mostly a part of the Elven royalty of Rivendell. Because of that, she dresses regally in gorgeous, flowing gowns that are adorned with beautiful embellishments.

The majority of her clothing are based on the Renaissance period's clothes which is why you should use these as an inspiration. If you find an inexpensive costume in that design, you can modify it to match the fashion of Middle-Earth--wide sleeves and golden embroidery.

Star Trek

Star Trek cosplay has been more popular than others and fans have much more time to create it. Membership in the Federation can be fun, but you can also choose other cosplay options from the science-fiction classic.

17. Klingon Cosplay

It's no secret that Worf is the Klingon characters Worf is a fan favorite in The Next Generation who's inspired by the plethora of Klingon cosplay. The Klingons have been dressed in combat-ready uniformswith sturdy shoulders and chest armor. The most distinctive aspect of the Klingon cosplay lies on the front.

The makeup with effects that are special can be an art to learn correct, but it's something that you can master at home. You start by making the clay representation of your forehead after which you create as many ridges as you want. Following that, the clay creation can be used to create the mold from latex. It's possible to buy liquid latex, then paint it into the mold by applying multiple layers. When it's dry you can gently remove the latex piece from the mold. It is now possible to place it on top of your head and paint it in the same way.

This is an extremely simple method of creating latex special effects, so ensure you do your research before jumping into this.

18. Borg Cosplay

Part machine, part human That's how the Borg is run. As they assimilate technologies from different races, they make advancements in their Hive and their physical bodies.

In the case of constructing armor parts with EVA foam for Borg, Borg cosplay, you can make an appointment with your local hardware store and peruse the wires, tubes, as well as venting aisles. Take away the cords that are scattered throughout your garage or even in the apartment. The random items typically you wouldn't have any use to have are now indispensable accessories to complete your costume.

19. Vulcan Cosplay

The most well-known Vulcan in Star Trek lore is Spock as the science officer of the Enterprise. He is a member of an entire race of people that is as different as the others.

The Vulcans are well-known due to their unique eyebrows as well as the pointed ears. Making ears yourself is an additional difficult skill similar to that of Klingon forehead, could be achieved using liquid latex. They can also be made using foam and can be glued with the spirit glue however they'll lack the definition you get from of latex.

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 Instructions for Cosplay Making Steampunk Arms

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