18 Tips For Writing Sales copy that actually sells (+Guide)

Dec 1, 2022

If you're an entrepreneur, among the first requirements to be aware of is to create a good sales pitch.

Sales copy is essential for every business, especially when you're selling on the internet. If your sales copy isn't in good shape, you'll face difficulty convincing people to buy your products or services.

Thankfully, there are some simple tricks that you can employ to boost your sales copy overnight

Read on to find out the best way to create marketing text - including what to include and a 4 part system to make sure it's right each time.

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How to compose sales letters

Sales copy convinces your customers to buy your product or service.

It is designed to show your audience how they can benefit from what you're selling. This is why it's crucial for businesses trying to sell products on the internet.

Any text on your website is an advertisement.

This includes your home page as well as landing pages, blogs, and more.

All these pages need to grab and keep your readers' attention And the best way to accomplish this is to master the art of writing good sales copy.

Sales letters can come in different forms, like:

  • Lists
  • Bullet points
  • Paragraphs
  • Infographics
  • Text overlaid on an image
  • Video

The trick for writing selling copy is to write it in a way that makes it simple to understand, powerful and entertaining. Your audience is made up of people who are very busy and you must give them a reason to keep reading.

  If you're looking to master the art of writing effective sales messages, follow this framework of four parts:  

The 4-part framework for sales copy

How can you ensure that your sales copy is convincing enough to make potential customers desire to continue reading?

This four-part sales copy framework gives you guidelines for writing an effective and professional sales pitch. It contains good copy basics including a powerful opening, asking questions, and guaranteeing results.

Use this framework as the starting point for writing sales copy and fill it in with your own product or services.

Note: The four primary components of the framework shouldn't be altered, however the elements themselves could be changed.

Here's how to write copy that sells...

  18 suggestions on writing sales copy that sells  

  Part 1. Drawing the attention of  

  1. Engage your target audience

The first step of creating sales material that is effective is to speak directly to your target audience.

People buy from people. If you are able to show your company a warm and welcoming image from the get-go to get more fervent buy-in from your customers.

When you include yourself on your sales page it will allow you to personalize your message. It gives you the opportunity to establish a direct relationship with potential customers and build trust. When you're making a film attempt to call your audience using their first name. You can also personally ask them to keep watching.

Although you're marketing your products prospective customers face-to-face however, it doesn't mean that you shouldn't bother with the presentation portion. In the world of selling online, it's as important to present yourself as an experienced competent and trustworthy person.

While creating your sales pitch Include an introduction that's friendly and confident, and include a your picture of yourself smiling to welcome your audience.

  2. Create a headline

If you're looking to know how to create good sales copy then you must first learn how to write a good headline.

Your headline is arguably the most crucial element of your sales material. It is the very first thing that your readers see on your site and it is the primary factor that determines the decision of whether they will continue when they read or simply click away.

To keep that in mind Below are five suggestions for writing an attention-grabbing headline:

  • Include the main benefit for your service
  • Explain why your offer is worth your time
  • It's even more clear
  • Do not whack the bush
  • Create 25 headlines, and then choose the most effective five

It's difficult to compress your pitch into one sentence, particularly when you're learning how to write sales copy for the first time. It's the reason it's a good idea to try 5 different headlines. See which ones your readers respond to best and run with that on your web page.

  3. Include a line

The headline is followed by the byline. This is the second thing that your readers will be reading and that's the way you can hook your readers.

It is a short, concise sentence that adds depth to your headline. It clarifies what your audience is likely to get if they keep on reading.

This page grabs the attention of the viewers and presents Jonathan as the friendly face of the brand, and it also includes an CTA directly below the byline to capture leads once they show up.

Sales Copy Example Landing Page
This page captures the audience's attention, presents Jonathan as the friendly face of the brand and is accompanied by the CTA right below the byline to capture leads once they are able to arrive.

  Part 2: The What  

  4. Ask questions

This is the most important section of your sales pitch.

Now is the time to start asking questions to your readers.

Why? If you ask the right questions, it will lead people to be able to see the results of your service or product. The audience can start to think about the advantages of making a purchase and the benefits they can expect by engaging with your company.

Here are a few advantages of using questions within your sales pitch:

  • Excites the reader about the advantages of your product or service.
  • Shows them how solving their problem will help them improve their performance.
  • qualifies the reader to ensure that they're best fit for your needs.

A good example of how to use questions really effectively on your landing pages are bullet lists like 'Who is this program intended for?' and 'Who is this program not suitable for?'. The reader are able to determine immediately whether or not they're in the right place. If they are, these lists make them feel as if your product is designed especially for them.

     Download the How to Write Copy That Sells Courses ebook to see examples of questions you can use in your sales copy.    

  5. Tell a powerful tale

At the heart of any good sales pitch, there's a story.

If you're looking to understand how to write text that will sell, look no further than the power of telling stories.

A good story will allow the writer to communicate with his reader and create an emotional response. Utilizing storytelling within your writing will also allow readers to be absorbed by the content you've shared with and build anticipation about what's coming down the page.

A powerful story communicates:

  • What's the issue you're solving
  • The benefits of solving it
  • One of the drawbacks to not solving it

Consider the section on storytelling of your sales pitch as the introduction for your product. It is the way you create the situation before offering the product as a solution.

Once you've done that, you can go on to part 3: the What.

  Part 3. The What  

  6. Give your audience proof

After you've prepared your client to sell - though they don't know it until now - the time has come to offer an element of social evidence.

This is the time to let them know who else is buying into your brand and offer up proof that your service or product delivers the results you've promised thus far.

In this section You can add:

  • Testimonials
  • Case studies
  • Stories
  • Brand logos that are used by brands your product
  • Statistics of the number of sign-ups, users, etc.

Utilize the good reviews of customers to sway new leads to buy.

They must all be genuine examples of individuals or companies who have used your product. If you don't have any examples yet, request your friends to endorse your brand in place.

Keep in mind that the best social proof can be super-specific. Instead of the quote which reads "I am in love with the product!" choose the one that says "I landed 10 clients at $1000 per month because of my experience on this class".

Provide your potential customers a picture of the concrete gains they stand to get by purchasing your product.

  7. Use the opportunity to highlight the issue

One of the secrets to writing a good sales copy is to make the product you're selling appear as a great opportunity.

You want your customer to believe that the product or service you offer is too good to miss.

Here are some great words to help you take your sales copy to the next level:

  • The chance that is unlike any comparable!
  • Don't miss out!
  • Limited time offer!

Words that bring the urgency and excitement to your sales copy will help elevate any landing page the higher level.

  8. Introduce your product

At this point, you've been configuring your client with lots of juicy details on the change that your software offers.

Now your audience is stuck with a question - "What do you sell?"

This is the best moment to showcase your product or service.

The person reading your message is eager to find out more about your product, so take your thoughts on the information you have to offer. Be sure to keep your introduction short and sweet. The introduction you give should be short during this time. Explain what the product is and explain what the customer can expect upon making a purchase.

If you're offering an online course, it's best to provide:

  • The amount of hours or modules
  • The core course topics
  • Your USPs

Images with just a few paragraphs of text work well here as they're easy to comprehend and provide your prospective customers a clear understanding of the features your product is about.

If intrigued, they'll scroll to see the full outline.

  9. Provide an outline

Now's your chance to provide an exhaustive description of your service or product.

If you're creating an online landing page to promote your online training course, it's time to show your customers what exactly is in store for them once they sign-up.

This page is about "What's inside?".

Important: this isn't a listing of subjects, but an overview of the results .

It is important to be focusing on your goals for the course rather than the course modules. The majority of people don't need to know what exactly you'll cover in each class. They want to know what they will benefit from your class.

Top tip - You can include humor in the sales pitch here. Instead of boring facts, try using exaggeration and superlatives to give your outline an interesting spin.

  10. Be sure to address any concerns

If you're trying to learn how to write good sales copy It's an excellent idea to anticipate any objections that might be raised by your target audience.

If you're the creator of a course You may find your students aren't happy with the curriculum based on the specific circumstances they face. Some might worry about the course's inability to meet the needs of their students or satisfy their interests in the topic.

If you are able to solve these issues and address them, you will increase the chances of achieving the conversion.

Take note that you can perform this anytime within the 3rd part of the sales letter. If you think it is more natural before your course outline, then it is your choice to alter the order. Be sure that you have all of it done prior to proceeding to the next the fourth part.

  To see how Neil Patel does it download the How To Write Copy That is Successfully Selling Courses ebook.  

  Part 4: The How  

  11. Define the significance

By this stage of your sales pitch, you're getting closer and closer to the reveal of the cost of your item.

However, before doing this, you must demonstrate to your clients the value of your product or service so the price is justified.

Also, concentrate on the outcome you're promising , rather than simply a listing the content.

There are a variety of methods to accomplish this, such as:

  • The value of each item, and then adding it up to make an overall
  • Social proofing to highlight the real-life ROI
  • Discussion of the theoretical financial worth of the results

It is important to announce all bonus products you provide including workbooks, printable templates or other materials to increase the perceived value of your service.

The goal of this article is to facilitate the decision of the buyer easy decision.

  12. Reveal the price

Then you're ready to make public the price of your item.

In this step you've set the stage so that your customer can be fully convinced of the worth of your product.

You've heard the reasons behind the cost and, if you've done correctly and they're thrilled to learn what they can buy and how much it's going be.

If you've waited until now to announce the price in addition, you've created an insurance policy to cushion the blow in case the item is more costly than you anticipated.

Maybe, if you've been successful with your sales copy they'll be able to see the cost and think they're buying your item for less!

  13. Results that are guaranteed

After revealing the price it is important to make sure you follow-up with assurances to overcome any concerns your prospective customers might have.

A guarantee is proven to boost conversion rates on websites for sales.

This is logical - consumers are concerned that they'll lose their hard-earned money and they could not receive the benefits they're looking for.

With a promise by providing a guarantee, you put the customers at the ease.

An excellent example of an assurance is having the policy of refund.

Check out this example on Neil Patel's website:

You have nothing to lose , and the entire world you can gain by taking advantage of this offer. This is a deal that there's nothing else available right today.
There is also NO RISK TO YOU.
If for ANY reason you're not 100% satisfied with the product within 30 days after getting started by completing your trial, you can call us to request a quick full reimbursement.
I'm shouldering all the risk because I'm confident that my product will give you everything you need to earn the investment worthwhile and more.

If you want to learn how to write good sales copy, get in the habit of incorporating the word "guarantee. Try making your own guarantees to give your copy a conversion boost.

  14. Add your signature

At this point in your sales pitch Your potential buyer has everything they need to take a purchase decision. They've been informed about your service, the benefits, what they stand to get, and lowered the risk for them.

Now it's a good idea to speak directly to your target audience and again.

Introduce the human aspect of your image. Inspire readers to believe that you're actually a real human being.

A signature is a great way to reinforce the introduction that you have made at the top of the page.

It adds a personal touch to an inaccessible digital space. This brings back thoughts of personal letters and greeting cards, creating a closer bond between your potential clients.

  15. Incorporate frequently asked questions (FAQs)

If you're looking to create excellent sales material, you can also gain many benefits from having an FAQ section. If your reader hasn't purchased your product or service yet or has any concerns about one particular aspect of your product or service.

The FAQ section provides you with the chance to address any remaining questions. Consider putting yourself in your audience's shoes and consider what they could require to know.

For your FAQs to write, list potential questions and answer them in a proactive manner. You're still selling your product in this moment, so don't switch off! Make sure you're enthusiastic, encouraging and provide your customers reassurance.

  Bonus tips for the best way to create the sales copy that will sell  

  16. Use trigger words

Learning how to write an effective sales pitch requires knowing the power of language.

They have emotional value and the differences between two words could be a huge difference. If you learn to make use of emotive words or phrases, you will be able to dramatically improve your conversion rate.

A great way to find the trigger words that are meaningful for your audience is to use them to reference the research of your audience. What words and phrases do they use to describe their problems and the solutions they're hoping for? Choose the most commonly used words and use them in your writing.

     Download The Trigger Words Workbook to understand which words have emotional value for your audience.    

  17. Keep in mind your brand's voice

Along with using trigger words in your sales copy A key tip on the best way to create a strong sales material is to make sure you have a consistent brand voice.

Your brand voice is the distinct personality that your brand uses in all communications materials.

It should be easy to recognize and in keeping with your service or product. In the case of your course content is informal and humorous, be sure that you employ the same tone on your promotional material and your sales material.

In the four-part guideline for creating content that will sell, use a consistent brand voice that will help your copy resonate with your audience.

  18. Write for your target audience

It can be really helpful to keep your avatar of the customer at your fingertips when you write any advertising copy for your company. Don't write for the world or the whole of your web, but write specifically for the one person in your avatar as a customer. Imagine talking with them in person regarding your service.

What would they like to be aware of? What can you draw attention to? How will you persuade customers to purchase? If you write to your target audience, it is possible to ensure that the sales pitch is persuasive.

Neil Patel's tips for the best way to create sales copy that sells

This is the most comprehensive plan for creating excellent sales letters. Utilize this four-part framework to develop amazing landing pages that turn prospects into customers. For more efficient and easy methods to market your business take a look at our free webinar Sales Funnel course.

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