15 Sales Motivational Quotes to Make it easier to close the deal --

Jun 20, 2024

We all have our reasons for being motivated, however motivational sales quotes can do wonders to any salesperson.

Create it on the back of a notepad. Then attach it on your computer monitor. Create it as a background for your computer or you can even paint it on the ceiling above your bed to make it look more attractive.

These are our favourite inspirational sales quotes that will help you keep you on track and push forward.

"Life's fights aren't won by the most powerful or the fastest. The winners are the ones that believe they have the ability to." Richard Bach Richard Bach

The effort of working hard can be beneficial, but you will get the whole view.

"Do not let the things you cannot do interfere with your ability to accomplish what you want." - John Wooden

Focusing on your strengths can get you to a position that you can concentrate on your weaknesses.

"Make the person a customer rather than a purchase." Katherine Barchetti

It's wonderful if you make a sale by the way however, building connections with your customers is essential for having a productive sales staff.

"Sales depend on the attitude of the salesperson and not on the mindset of the potential customer." -- W. Clement Stone

If you aren't convinced of what you're selling, would you think that the customer believes in it?

"Our weakest point is not giving up. One of the best strategies to achieve success is to do it just another time." - Thomas Edison

It's been said in elementary school but perseverance (in some way or another) is the best means to succeed.

"Goals enable you to direct the change's direction in your favor." -- Brian Tracy

Set yourself a goal of two, and you can begin setting goals when you're making progress. The process of tracking these goals provides an opportunity to look back on as motivation.

"Opportunities typically are disguised by hard work and so many people don't recognize the opportunities." Ann Landers

The things you want usually require a lot of effort. And there's an argument to support this.

"Most people believe that selling means "talking". The most efficient salespeople understand that listening is an vital aspect of their job." - Roy Bartell

No matter how absurd the requirements are the customer who hears from them feels appreciated and is more likely for them to come back to you regardless of whether you are not able to offer a solution to that specific issue.

"For each sales you don't make because you're over excited, you'll miss one hundred sales because you're too excited." - Zig Ziglar

Do you know a friend who always has great energy? Have you met someone who is always selling and exuding enthusiasm.

"Big shot is just a few shots who keep shooting." Christopher Morley. Christopher Morley

Everybody has to begin at some point. Be it generating an idea during a dinner party, or perhaps after having spent thirty years working in the same occupation sticking with an idea and committing yourself to it will result in amazing outcomes.

"It it is not the customer's duty to remind them of you. It is your obligation and duty to ensure that they don't forget you." Patricia Fripp

There's plenty to talk about.

"No you have the power to achieve." Bill Wilson's mom

Mothers are by far the most reliable source of information, and they know a thing or two about persuasiveness. Director of Product at Bill Wilson's mother says that if one does not intend to sell that sale, then the answer is no. In order to make sales and satisfy customers require elbow grease, in addition to the fact that reapplying elbow grease is required (persistence! ).

"To be interested and interesting to be interesting and interested, you have to be." Dale Carnegie Dale Carnegie

Being a salesperson and investing yourself in your customer or client will benefit your business in the end. Learn how your clients are getting along or if they've concerns to voice and inform them that they are valued for their opinions.

"People aren't going to remember anything you've done. They will forget the things you said, but people won't forget the way they felt." Maya Angelou

A buyer or seller piece of advice emotion is a major factor in selling.

"If there wasn't a winter, the spring might not be as exciting and if we weren't susceptible to suffering, the spring would not be as welcome." Josh Billings. Josh Billings

Sometimes it can be difficult to know if it's not your goal to complete the transaction, and it's normal to be feeling. It's always a good idea make use of motivational sales quotations to get the phone up and keep pushing.

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