10 Ways Jo Kelly Coaches People To become great actors--online

May 8, 2024

Jo Kelly isn't your average acting coach.

Actually, she doesn't make use of the word "teacher" in any way "I am not giving people instructions on how to behave" she declares. "I help people to stop performing."

Through exercises that have an experiential aspect, Jo coaches mainly actors and artists of any kind in addition to non-artist "seekers" on how to attain inner liberation and become their best authentic selves. By doing this, performers can stop acting and start being themselves and become. "I prefer to think of me as a midwife, rather than a teacher, as I aid people to return to their true self and return to their true self," she explains.

She believes the character of a performer is based on their ability and satisfaction to dedicate themselves entirely to their role. "When the character is defended with complete dedication, the story is presented and the audience is affected," she explains.

Her unique way of teaching performers she helps them tap in to their playful interest, and even play. What does this mean? They give truthful, alive and authentic performances.

In 2016, Jo transitioned from in-person coaching to establishing an online business via . In the time since, she's developed three consecutive learning journeys and has provided more than 8,000 people. Their students have experienced amazing success since working alongside Jo and they've found jobs in some of the largest studios, including Netflix, HBO, Disney, Showtime, ABC Studios as well as many more.

Here's how she developed an online business with a passion for her:

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She conducted her own investigation

Jo had an unusual path into acting.

Birthplace: Belgium Her home was Belgium. She graduated with an MBA after which she specialized in the management of human resources and the system's psychology. Following that she worked in coaching for corporate clients. "The workplace never seemed like my cup of tea," she shares. "I decided to drop everything and move to Paris to start over. ."

One of the main reasons that she decided to quit her job was to attempt her hand to act. She fell in the love of. She was committed, hardworking, and put all of her effort and money into learning how to be the most effective actor she could be.

Despite her dedication to her profession however, she claims she was an average actress, but she was not an outstanding actor. As with the vast many actors in the world, she was plagued by stage anxiety. "Most of my actors had the same problem," she says. "We were so passionate however, when it came the time to act the part, we were scared ."

The actress was curious about what was blocking her, as well as other actors, from becoming excellent actors. "My interest turned into bewilderment," she says. "I would like to understand why actors who are so committed and focused shrink when it's time to play. ."

For the next several years, she researched the ways that actors might feel confined. Her study led to an awareness that when children play at their own pace, they're in the control. When adults play the same way and aren't, they've lost their autonomy due to societal norms. "When I realised this, I devoted the remainder of my time really aiding actors in breaking out of their conditioning to allow them to appear and act and have that youthful energy they had previously," explains Jo.

She began as a coach

Jo's experiences in the field of research has led her to research the various methods of healing somatically and then tested them on other people via group and private coaching sessions beginning in the year of 2000. The following year, the company was later renamed To Be Or Not To Act.

Then she realized the people she worked with were not competent enough to show responsibility. "No regardless of how committed the people I worked with were, they couldn't be expected to show up every day. Even though we'd meet at least three times per week, the accountability wasn't in between meetings. The ball could be tossed in a matter of minutes if my children weren't with me." Jo adds. Jo.

The idea was that online classes could help individuals be more consistent with their routine. The online courses she offers are "journeys," and the beginning of the journey she guides participants on will be The Reset: From Resistance to Freedom--which she developed in 2014. "I began to design The Reset so that I could support people for the entire duration of 33 days," she explains.
    "Since the site is online, users can work at their own speed and set their own timetable."

It's Jo's belief that we were born with an authentic essence, and then our culture's conditioning makes us act, perceive, feel and act the way we do. In her opinion, The purpose behind The Reset is for people to do daily exercise routines which allow them to let go of their conditioned behavior and revert to their instinctual nature. Every day during The Reset, Jo offers recordings of the exercises. Additionally, she offers two Q&As and two groups working together through pods, and another semi-Q&A where Jo responds to frequently-asked questions in an exclusive Facebook group.

The ability to alter the schedule of a virtual adventure allows Jo's participants to join the classes at any point at any time, whether they wake up, before they go to bed or whenever they've got free time during the day. "The greatest benefit is that it allows them to work these lessons in their busy schedules" she states.

She built an online business which gave her the flexibility to lead a lifestyle

When Jo first started her website Reset journey, she was able to log every single session held on her website. Then, a couple of years later she switched over to the platform after being invited to join Reset via her instructor. "You people know exactly what you're doing and I don't" she laughs.

Over the past few years, since she entered coaching on the internet Jo's lifestyle has changed. At the time of this interview, Jo was on the phone from a hospital in which she was accompanied by her child. "Eight many years ago, I discovered that my daughter was born to genetic spectra. This signifies that she's required to attend hospital each month" she says.

" allows me to become mother and take charge of my life and still keep my business running, even when I'm at the hospital, while my daughter receives her monthly transfusions" she says. "Working online allows me to care for my daughter in the way I would like and to remain at home with her. This allows me to go to the hospital in case of medical emergencies but still take part in a profession I'm enthusiastic about without it being stressful ."

Her subsequent travels were her own inventions.

When people are done with The Reset, they have the choice of embarking on A three-month program called The Purposeful Actor. The Purposeful Actor course is a 3-hour course over twelve weeks. "The participants in this program have a greater sense of independence when it comes to responsibility and proof of their value. There are certain rules that are required to adhere to daily, but they can't rely on my enthusiasm to accomplish the job; they have to consider their own plans, and that is what the purpose." Jo says.

Jo can also be reached to answer questions about the process of The Purposeful actor and every week for a period of three weeks. Once those who have finished the goal-oriented journey and are prepared for the next step, they may choose to join a yearly membership named BAMF Actors In Action, which stands for Bad-Ass Mother of F***ing Actors In Action. "I started this membership in order to assist those who have completed each of these journeys and would like to continue practicing through this path," she says.

The membership program has been operating for the past four years. It offers a content-based program every month. Group work with weekly pods, monthly Q&A session with Jo who hosts, as well as a 6 hour summit once 3 times a year. "The membership lets people determine how they'll take on the world, accomplish what they're supposed to do, get connected to the world of work and create the content they want to create as well as improve their skills," she explains.

She has coached artists of all kinds

According to Jo Jo, the vast majority of the clients in the sessions include actors. Other types of artists like storytellers, writers, dancers and singers, as well ordinary people who "want to overcome their physical limitations," such as mothers and professionals like pro athletes broadcasters, professional athletes, and therapists. "Freedom is a concern to all who want to fully express their feelings," she says.

Because the tours are conducted in English these tours attract tourists from around the globe. "We are an eclectic group of people, from different continents, however most of us are of America, Europe, and Australia," she shares.

A majority of her audiences are older than 20-50 years old. A few of her viewers have reached the middle of their lives, as well as it's common for her to welcoming people who are older than 70 and 80 to come along with her in her travels.

The client let her do all the talking

In relation to marketing the adventures of Jo, Jo says the word was propagated through word-of-mouth.

On her homepage is a testimonial reel. It provides evidence of her social status and increases the credibility of her efforts. Visitors to the site can sign up to her newsletter via email on her website. To gather email addresses, she gives two seminars for free to act to attract people engaged. A Great Actor for Giving Yourself A Chance At Being Excellent and also the Instinctive actor. In addition to helping assist her to capture her people's information, they give people the chance to observe her style of coaching.

She also has an Instagram page -- which has more than 10,000 users. Her page also receives news coverage via interviews appearing on different podcasts, blogs, as well as in publications.

The client chose a cost that's affordable.

Jo strives to make her travels affordable for everyone as actors typically be at a loss with their income. "If you attended an acting class once per week, it would cost between $300 and $400. Most of the time that you're there, you'll observe other actors doing scenes and sometimes, you'll get the chance to play a part" she explains.

"These journeys online offer lower cost alternative," continues Jo. "The benefit of our journeys are 10 times more than what we market the trips for." ."

The Reset costs below $1,000 USD. Purposeful Actor is $1,250 USD, and membership costs $270 USD per month.

She stayed in her zone of the most brilliant talent

Even though she is the chief executive officer Of To Be Or Not To Act, Jo is firm in her determination to focus every moment in her realm of excellence, which is coaching and making material. She isn't technologically proficient, and is more comfortable staying "in and out of the loop" doing the things she excels at. "The rest of the tasks involved in running a business I'm not keen on because they're outside of my area of knowledge" she explains.

Jo says she achieved her success through employing a coach at an early stage. In the end, when it came time to create evergreen journeys, she took the risk of enrolling in an education course of 20k dollars to master the art of doing so. "It was an enormous amount which required for me to sign a loan of half the money. However, I'm happy I could accomplish it," she shares.

She's convinced that anybody can develop an online business that's successful. However, she warns it'sn't easy.

"It is a dedication and determination and you have to have a passion for your work. This is what I've been doing when I changed careers in my early twenties and it's all I'll ever accomplish. It's a passion that's the reason that, when I'm confronted with a problem I'm never going to quit. ."

Her creation was born from her heart.

Online creators are advised to remain realistic about the difficult work that they'll need to invest in building a successful online business. She advises them to do so only if the topic they're educating on is important to them.

"The problem is now that the moment you join social media, everyone is an expert. Everyone claims that to earn millions of dollars within a couple of minutes and this isn't true," says Jo. "It is true that when you are passionate about something, it is possible to share your passion with others. are passionate about it is likely to be able to reach the biggest audience. It's more important than your friends. It takes effort, as well as falling, and then getting up. The coach must be there, and putting in your cash and time until your foundation is in place. ."

As Jo, when you build an enterprise from the heart, it will give you the motivation to keep working for even through difficult times.

"An online enterprise doesn't only provide an opportunity for you to make a few dollars. It must be constructed out of your soul and what you're supposed to do. Otherwise you will drop the ball since it's like it's too heavy." she explains.

"If you're purposely doing this, then you'll have the ability to take on the challenge. If you're in search of the opportunity to earn money quickly, you won't be able to tackle these challenges. I suggest you apply your passions in your life to the core. You must be able to perform at your job as you'll face a high amount of competition. It's essential to feel confident about what you do ."

Her integrity was defended by her craft

When asked about trending in online courses that we could be able to observe in 2024 Jo believes that there will be an over-reliance on online courses. Jo says the primary distinction between "McDonald's" courses and "gourmet" classes will be the courses created with a sense of integrity.

"When there's an abundance of items, there'll exist two different types of jobs online. There will be McDonald's kind of courses. Then there'll be reliable Gourmet courses. Everybody will have plans to accomplish things that are not in your best interests that won't come from a honest source. And then there'll be people who've been doing it for quite a while," she says.

To create the gourmet style obviously, she would suggest you go back to the fundamentals.

"There is incredible potential to anyone driven in their heart and desire to help others," she continues. "The those who are in need of the help of your company will find your name ."

"I'm grateful to which enables us to be human for what matters to us. It's incredible."

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